Chapter 22 Exceeds Eggs And Reunion With "Shane"

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Chapter 22
Exceeds Eggs And Reunion With "Shane"
-3rd Pov-
Lucy had just finished placing an exceed egg in both of the girls rooms, Molly's was a black egg with purple marks, while Belle's was completely blue.
Lucy snuck out of their rooms before either woke up, but bumped into a certain someone in the hallway, someone she thought she would never see again.
-Lucy POV-
I was minding my own business, giving the girls their own exceed, and someone was rude enough to bump into me in the hallway. I looked up at them ready to yell at them, but was shocked by who I saw.
It was Zeref, or "Shane."
"Why are you back here!" I yell angrily regaining my composure. He glared at me and did a shush motion. I glared back, but nodded. He gestured me to follow him, which I did, I was very curious about why he was here.
Once we reached our destination, he did a little motion with his hand signaling it was okay to talk. I hugged him then glared at him again before beginning.
"Why are you here, you could've been seen." Even though Zeref was just pretending to be my brother, I still care about him. He is a really nice guy, he's just misunderstood. He smiled softly.
"I am glad you care, but, I came back because I have another mission." I looked at him confused.
"And that is?" He looked a little nervous.
"I-I'm supposed t-to... Take your apprentice, Molly, and make her evil. It is her destiny. It is also her sisters destiny to fight her." First I felt shock, then anger, then confusion, then anger again. I glared at him again.
"If you think that I'm going to let you just waltz out of here with her easily, you got another thing coming, buddy." He nodded.
"I realize this, I won't be coming for her until her training is over anyway, I am prepared to fight you when this time comes. Good-bye, Lucy Heartfilia. I will see you when the time is right." And with that he disappeared into thin air.
"I will be ready for you, also, Zeref." I walked back to the hallway that holds mine and the girls rooms, and went to bed.

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