Chapter 18 The Twins

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Chapter 18

The Twins

I threw spell after spell at Lisanna, basically torturing her. I smiled evilly as I heard her scream. I was saving the worst for very last.

As soon as I was satisfied, I did my worst. "7 days in hell's fire." I walked away hearing her screams.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little girl, she was crying and I felt like she needed me. I walked over to her and squatted beside her. She had long sky blue hair with pink eyes. Her shirt was also blue and so was her necktie.

"Are you ok, little one?" I ask kindly. She slowly nods her head and points over to a cottage that's caught on fire. I whisper, "extinguish" then it goes out. I pick her up and walk over to the house.

I set her down outside and walk in to see if everyone is alright.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" I hear a muffled shout and walk back there to find another little girl. She looked more creepy than the other one. She had red eyes and very tiny pupils, a scar under her right eye and blue face paint on her cheeks. Her hair brown up front but in the back it was pink. She had red and black demon wings that she was trying to hide. He outfit consisted of mainly pink and purple. She looked terrified.

"Are you hurt?" I ask softly, she shakes her head no. I smile kindly and pick her up carrying her outside of the smoking house. "Can you walk?" She nods so I set her down. "What's your guys names? I ask the two."

"I-I'm Molly, and this is Belle." The pink haired one said. I smiled at them.

"Where are your parents?" Belle started crying again and Molly looked down.

"Our father ran off and our mother died in that fire... It's all my fault. She told me not to use my powers ever." That surprised me.

"Are you a mage?" She took a minute to think about this.

"I don't know. My mom says I'm a demon because my father was a demon, but I don't know." This also shocked me. I turned to Belle.

"Is she a demon, too?" Molly shook her head.

"She's an angel. My mom was an angel." I nodded my head slowly, processing everything.

"Would you guys like to join my guild, you can live with me and I will help your magic become stronger. You can use it for good or evil, but I will train you in good." They both looked shocked but then the biggest smiles ever appeared on their faces.

"Y-yes! Thank you ma'am!"

"Oh please, don't call me that, call me Lucy, but when we're at the guild, call me Skyler."They nodded and we ran to the guild together. I was still getting sour looks. I sent the girls up to master's office to get their insignia. Mira ran up and begged me to undo the spell on Lisanna.

"No. She deserves that after what she did." Mira looked confused.

"W-What do you mean?" She asked.

"S-She ruined my life!!" A look of realization hit Mira's face. Oh crap... I just blew my cover.

"L-Lucy?!" I looked down as the whole guild stared at me. "Lucy!~" Everyone ran up and hugged me.


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