Chapter 11 Training Begins

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Chapter 11

Training Begins

"I can't make that deal... They are too precious to me..." He nodded in understanding.

"Alright I'm afraid I can't help you then. You'll have to go through the long training." I nod. "I'll be on my way then..."

"That would be best..." I get up and show him to the door closing it behind him. My exceeds come around the corner crying. They run up to me and hug me, I guess they really care about me, too.

"L-lucy!" Zeeka sobs out, "I love you like a mom!" she wails I smile at her words and hug her tighter.

"And I love you, both of you, like daughters." I smile then stand up to get dressed. "Today is the day I start to practice with the dragons since Zer- I mean Shane, canceled on me. Are you two going to stay here or come with me?"

"Were going to come with you of course." Celeste says, and being Celeste, she somehow managed to make it sound rude. I nod then walk over to my closet pulling out a white top with black markings on it, a skirt with a slit up the middle to match it, gold slip on arm sleeves, black leggings and boots. Next I pull out the outfits I bought for my exceeds since I still haven't given them to them. Celeste had cute little sky goggles, a pink skirt, a white shirt, a cape and a little bow for her tail. Zeeka got a green Mike Wazowski onesie. (Kind of like Frosch but with Mike). I give the outfits to them and they put it on. Zeeka looks pretty adorable if I do say so myself. Celeste looks really pretty as well.
"Alright! Let's go!" We run down to the kitchen where my mom is to talk with her. "Hey mom! I'm ready to start training! Which dragon am I starting with?" She takes a minute to consider this.

"I think you should start with Igneel..." I get sad at the mention of his name because it reminds me of Natsu.

"Y-yes ma'am..." I start to walk off but my mom calls after me. "Yeah?" I ask.

"Do you want me to teach your exceeds how to turn human?" She asks and I look at them and they nod so I nod.

"Yes please!" She motions for them to come to her.

"I will need them to stay with me then." I nod, wave, and run of to Igneel's island. Once I get there I see he's asleep. Looking at him reminds me of Natsu, the way he sleeps, the aura of kindness he gives... I shake my head trying to get the thought out of my head.

"Uncle Igneel!" I whisper shout. He starts to stir and sits up.

"This better be good... Oh! Miss Lucy! You've returned!" He switched to his human form and ran up to hug me. I giggled at him.

"Just Lucy please." He nodded. "I came to start my fire dragon training!" He looked kind of shocked.

"Don't you remember? When you were little I already taught you! You already know fire dragon slaying." He touched my forehead and memories of when I was younger and training with Igneel came into my mind. I blinked. "Try something!" I nodded.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!" I watched as a blazing fire escaped my mouth, it looked like it could rival Natsu's magic. I cut it off and smiled widely.

"Now, since you haven't practiced you magic for a while since we stole you memories, I still want you to train with me for at least two days. It will get rid of all of that rust. When you were younger you were able to make flames almost bigger than mine because of how much you trained. We want you to get back to that and even better and two days with me should do that." I nod.

"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's start!" And so training began.  

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