Chapter 16 Skyler Draco

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Chapter 16

Skyler Draco

As soon as Natsu leaves I walk over to the bar where MiraJane is at. "Hi, is your master here?" I ask politely. She stares at me kind of mean and points up the stairs. I guess Natsu is the only one that hasn't changed... Everyone is so mean and quiet now. I ignored that fact and walk casually up the stairs to masters office. I knock on the door and hear a, "Come in!" from the other side. I slowly walk in the room and shut the door behind me. He looks at me funny and gestures me to sit down.

"What brings you to Fairy Tail?" I smiled, although he couldn't see it, and take off my hood. He was so shocked. I could tell he was about to scream my name so I shushed him and he nodded in understanding. I look at him graciously and then start to explain.

"And as soon as I finish with my revenge, I am supposed to report back to the Dragon realm so I can return to my princessly duties. I am aloud to visit once every couple of weeks and those weeks will be random." I finished explaining and he nods.

"So, are you going to re-join?" He asks I nod.

"But on one condition, I get to face everyone in the guild. I want to go against Lisanna alone though. Also, I am going to be in disguise, I will go by the name Skyler Draco." He nods as I transform.

I keeps my hair color, just a little darker, I add to side buns, my hair is shorter and curly, and I have hair coming down in front. I add face tattoos through the middle of my eyes, and a scar under my right eye. My outfit is mainly purple, an elegant dress and a purple scarf. I leave my wings the same as they were but changed colors to match my outfit.

Once master saw, he nodded in approval. I put my cape back on and we walk out to introduce "Skyler" to the guild.  

AN- Sorry, it wouldn't let me add the photo. 

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