Untitled Part 21

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Chapter 21

The Meeting

I wonder what this meeting is about... Maybe about my apprentices? Or they found out about "Shane." I was so deep in thought, I didn't realize I was there until I hit into a door.

"Oh!" I look up and see that the room is titled conference room, exactly where I was heading. I open the door and walk in, I was the last one so I sat in the empty seat to the right of my mother.

"Let the meeting commence!" She leaned over to me and whispered, "You're late." I nod, to let her know I heard.

"To start this meeting off, I would like to let you all know that my daughter, Lucy, has visited the human world. While she was there she picked up to apprentices, one is half demon, the other is half angel. Though Lucy trusts the demon one, we need to keep a close watch on her," Everyone nodded in agreement, "Lucy, please tell us a little about your apprentices." With that she sat down and I stood up.

"Thank you mother. Upon visiting my guild, I was challenged to several fights, which all of them I won, but after my final fight I went past a burning house. I saw a little girl sitting in front of the house and went to go help her. She told me her mother and sister was in the house still, so I ran in to help them. I couldn't find the mother, so I looked for her sister. When I found her she kept saying over and over how it was her fault. How she wasn't supposed to practice her powers, so I took them in to teach them how to control their powers. That is all." I sit down and Igneel asks for permission to speak. He stands and starts speaking.

"I had the opportunity to train Molly today, and she is very promising. She improved very fast, however. She is a danger, she created destruction, she seemed pleased when she did, it... Disturbed me... Something is not right with her. I have a bad feeling about her." He sat down and mother stood up.

"Well, it is up to Lucy what we do now." She looked to me and slowly sat down. I awkwardly stood again.

"I think we should train her for a while longer. See how she does, if she does something drastic, it will be in my hands to eliminate her." I sat down almost in tears. It would kill me if I had to kill her.

"That concludes today's meeting then. Belle will start training with Tsunami tomorrow. Let's all of us relax now." Everyone stood up and started filing out of the room. Before I could leave, my mother grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side.

"That was very brave of you Lucy." She smiled and I smiled back.

"Thanks, but, I don't feel very brave. I feel awful, how am I supposed to kill her if she goes bad?"

"Sometimes you have to do the harder thing for the right reason." I sighed and went to go tuck the girls in.


When I got there the girls were already asleep, so I decided to leave a surprise for them. 

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