Grade Twelve

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-Mark's POV-
I sigh as I walk through the silent halls of the school... today I'm writing my last exam then I get to move on with my life and never look back. I finally reach my class where I go in to see others have already arrived and are waiting for the exam to be handed out.. I pick a spot to sit then I sit there and take out my phone... When I unlock it my messages with Jack are still open from last night... I was reading them before I fell asleep... I smile as I go out then onto YouTube. I've come up with two things that I'd like to do with my life well one will be just a hobby I guess... Id like to make YouTube videos for people to watch... Like play games but my mom also wants me to have a real job so I guess I'll go for engineering in college... To make her happy... But I'm still gonna try YouTube as a hobby. I sigh as the teacher enters the room with s stack of papers... I immediately put my phone away because Mrs. Shelby doesn't like us having our phones out... Even if we're not doing any work. There's been one thing on my mind ever since I thought about YouTube... Jack... That's one of the best ways for Jack to find me then we can communicate.. If I know Jack he definitely watches YouTubers... Like I do... I hope I can eventually find him again even if it takes me the rest of my life I will find him again. Most people would move on by now and I have with some past relationships that ended in the past 3 years but Jack... I can't seem to forget him... He'll look much different now though... But I bet he'll look even better than when I last saw him.
"Mark... Are you okay?" I hear Mrs. Shelby ask as she hands me the exam... I nod.
"Yeah just a lot of things on my mind" I say as I grab my pencil then I begin working.
-Jack's POV-
I yawn as I lay in my bed watching some of the YouTubers that I'm subscribed to... I had my last exam yesterday so today I'm just sitting here doing nothing except for watching YouTube... I'd love to be a YouTuber but my mom says it's silly and I won't get anywhere with it... I kinda agree... I don't think I'll get millions of subscribers or views so if I did it.. It would just be for my own fun not others.. I could do it as a hobby. I also want to find Mark... He's gotta be on YouTube... I've searched his name so many times and I can't find him... Maybe he's under a different name? I won't know... I don't even know if Mark has the same phone number he probably got a new one as am I very soon... I cracked my screen and it freaks out some times. I don't want to loose the messages between us but... There's no other way... Unless I take screen shots... I guess but it's not the same as the actual messages. My thoughts gets silenced as my ma enters the room she sees that I was deep in thought.
"Whacha thinkin about?" She asks moving closer... I pause the video that I had been ignoring and I sigh.
"About Mark..." I look her in the eyes to see that name hurts her just as much as it does me.
"I really hope you find Mark again... I really want to see him again... Mark was like a second child to me because he was over so much and I'm sure his mother feels the same" she says with a weak smile "I know you will find him"
"I can only hope... Anyway was there something ye wanted?" I ask.
"I just wanted to come in to see ya... You've been in yer room all day and I haven't seen ya once" she smiles warmly.
"I'm sorry... I guess I didn't realize" I chuckle as I look at the time... 4:30 "what are we having for dinner?"
"Homemade pizza" she smiles.
"Would ya like help?" I ask as I slide to the edge of the bed.
"I guess ye can" she gets up and I follow her down to the kitchen.
-Mark's POV-
I smile as I walk out of the school and begin my walk home.... I'm smiling because I am done school yes but I'm mostly smiling at my plan for finding Jack again. The thought of hugging and kissing Jack again is unbearable but just the thought of even seeing him again is killing me... That day I run most of the way home only to have my smile suffocated as I remember I have until the end of the week to move out of this place. I sigh as I head up to my room an immediately start packing more of my stuff up... I continue packing for half an hour before my mom comes in... She smiles at me.. I just glare at her.
"I'm sorry I didn't say hi to you when you came in but I noticed you got home earlier... Did you run home?" She laughs kinda jokingly.
"Yeah... I was happy and in a good mood until I got here and had to start packing" I say.
"I'm sorry... Stop making it sound like I'm a bad mother I just want what's best for you and this is what's best" she raises her voice.
"Kicking me out and not giving me time to move out when I'm ready?!" I yell as I get up "I have enough pain in my life now sending me off to live on my own and struggle with the pain alone?! That's not what's best in fact you're killing me!" I start crying "...and all I can think about lately is Jack... I miss him so much"
"I know Mark... I miss him too" she hugs me trying to comfort me "I'm sure you'll find him again one way or another"
"But what if he doesn't love me anymore.... Is there really a point to living?" I calm down a little.
"Mark don't think like that... I don't see why he could forget a relationship like you had.... I don't see why he would give that chance away" she reassures.
"I hope you're right" I sniffle as I let go of her then I sit in my floor again and continue packing.
"Dinner will be ready in about half an hour" I nod at her as she leaves my room closing the door behind her.

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