Grade Ten

139 11 1

-Jack's POV-
I am currently waiting tables at this little coffee shop down the rode from my house... I am like a brainless zombie walking back and fourth between tables putting on my best smile and asking 'how are you today.... may I take your order?' I walk back to the counter to give the order for table six then I look at the clock.
"Uhh... 10 more minutes till I can leave" I sigh as I look around to see if there are other waiting to order.. Or if people want to pay... Luckily there are none so I just sit and wait for the first tray of food to come out. It takes a few minutes before 2 trays come out so I take both of them... They go to table six and three... I finish that then I look at the time... I'm done! I head back to the lockers I hang up my apron then I grab my backpack and start heading home... I work right after school so I bring my school stuff with me usually.
"Yes! Today is Friday!" I start running home as fast as I can. I finally reach home... I push through the door to see my mom, dad and bother already sitting at the table eating... I usually get home late.
"Hi Jack... We're havin spaghetti if you'd like ta join us" my mom jokes.
"Yeah I have no homework tonight and I'm starvin... I ran home jus so ya know" I sit down at the table
"I thought you were earlier than normally" my dad laughs.
"Ha ha... Be glad I have a job" I say as I roll my eyes.
"We are always glad... We are very proud of you son" my ma says.
"I know" I nod as I start eating. After dinner I head to my room... I go onto my computer and I load up YouTube... I watch some YouTubers play games that I like. I want to become a YouTuber so bad and I've even suggested this to my mom but she said I was crazy and should get a normal job like my other friends... Pfft I only have three friends and they don't even have jobs! A few hours later I get off then I just lay on my bed and go to sleep... Happy.
-Mark's POV-
I finally reach home after a hard day only for it to get harder as always... My day started out with getting up at 6:00 to go to work till 7:30 because school starts at 8:00.. then after school I go to another job for 3 hours. By the time I get home it's 5:30... I look at my phone... It's 5:35... I pick up the pace to reach home quickly.. I finally reach home and when I step inside my brother is making dinner... I sigh in relief that I can relax somewhat.
"Thanks for making dinner" I say to Tom as I place my backpack beside the front door.
"Don't thank me you've been working really hard.. I should be apologizing for not helping out more" Tom smiles. I head up to my dads room where he's laying there.. He's awake... I walk over to him with a ball in my throat like I normally get when I see him like this... He's just so much more old and tired looking... He also just looks really sick.
"Hi dad" I say.
"Hey son" my dad says in a raspy, weak voice.
"How are you feeling today?"
"Well... The same as yesterday... like crap" my dad says truthfully.
"Yeah... Same" I agree.
"I'm tired and I feel a bit sick myself" I say as I sit on the side of his bed.
"Mark... Please don't work yourself into my position... Take a break... I can take care of myself" my dad says... I shake my head.
"You can but you shouldn't... You need to get better..."
"Mark... Just stop... I'm not trying to put you down or anything but face it.. I'm not gonna get better so might as well do what I can when I can" my dad points out. I now feel tears in my eyes as I look at the ground... I sniffle.
"I know you're not gonna get better but I wanted to hope so hard that it would come true" I cry.
"Mark... Please don't cry... I love you so much.. you know that right?"
"I love you too" I whisper just loud enough for him to hear me.
"Dinner's ready!" My brother calls from the kitchen. I sniffle and wipe my eyes then I straighten up.
"I'll bring you your food" I say quietly as I turn then head down to the kitchen.. When I get there my brother looks at me with concern because I was just crying... I grab my dads and my food.
"Can you watch dad tonight... I have homework I have to do" I ask Tom as I hand him the bowl for my dad.. We're having soup.
"I was gonna offer anyway because I thought you could use a break but I guess you have to be doing homework instead" Tom says as he takes my dads and his food up to my dads room to eat there... Normally one of us eats there incase something goes wrong.
"Ok thanks... I'll probably be in my room the rest of the night if that's okay with you" I say as I head into my room.
"Yeah that's fine" I hear Tom from my dads room before I shut the door. I set my food on my nightstand and I pull out my homework... It's all fairly easy so I'll have it done in no time... I finish my work in 10 minutes.. I'm also done my food then so I can now just relax. I decide to just sleep since I have nothing else to do... Well actually there's tones it's just nothing I want to do... I pull the covers over me then I just lay there thinking and like every night it turns into me crying myself to sleep. I eventually am able to drift off to sleep.... Broken and sad.

Together Forever No Matter What (Septiplier)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon