Grade two

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-Jack's POV-
"Jack! Mark is hear!" My ma yells to me from the front door. I run down the stairs with my other friends trailing behind me... This passed year I've made only a few more friends and Mark has also become friends with them... Bob, Wade and Felix... I have another friend Dathi but he couldn't come today.. Which is sad.
"Mark!" I yell as I tackle him onto the couch.
"Happy birthday Jack!" Mark yells at me as we start wrestling.. We try to pin the other to the ground. Mark wins like always but I get so close sometimes...I stand then I help him up off the ground.
"Bob! Wade! How are you?" Mark asks them.
"I'm good" Bob says.
"Same" Wade agees.
"Ok kids... Go play for a couple hours.. We can eat later" I hear my ma say to us as she goes and sits on the couch.
"Ok ma" I say as I run up to my room with Mark, Bob and Wade on my heels. I go into my closet and I pull out a cardboard box.... I open the box to reveal four big nerf guns, several nerf bombs, one nerf bow and a literal ton of nerf darts.
"Woah... When did you get this stuff?" Mark asks.
"Last night... My mom got me the set for my birthday" I say with a grin as I hand each one of my friends a gun.
"Oh yeah" Bob says as he loads his clips.
-after telling rules and getting ready-
"Ok everyone... You ready?" I ask them. We all have our backs to each other... We all take 20 steps then the games begin... We go in pairs for the first round.. So it's me and Mark against Bob and Wade. Me and Mark run over to a tree then we climb up into the tree.. Kinda like sniping... This is fun. We just sit up on the one branch for about 10 minutes just waiting for someone to come by... Nobody does.
"Ok well... You stay and snipe.. I'll go scope out the area" I say as I move to a crouching position on the branch.
"No let's both go" Mark says as he grabs my hand. I look at him with shock... Then I nod... I go to climb down the tree but my foot slips... I fall but I land on my feet. Just before I could say anything I see Bob and Wade coming around the side of the garage... I hide behind the tree.. Mark stays in the tree to snipe. My heart speeds up... I crouch then I move slightly around the corner and I point the gun at them.. They don't see me... I fire once then I hit Bob in the head... He falls to the ground and lays there 'dead'. I hide back behind the tree as Wade comes closer to where we are.... I am about to pop out and shoot but I see Mark drop down from the tree, right in front of Wade... He holds the gun to Wade's head and shoots.
"Yeah!!" I yell as I jump out from behind the tree "we're the greatest"
"Totally!" Mark says as he high fives me "get rekt!"
"That save though.... When I feel out of the tree" I say with a laugh.
"I know! You stuck the landing! It was amazing!" Mark says as he shoots Wade several times more in the chest.
"Ok.. Every man for himself?" Bob asks as we head back to the start point.
"Ok" I say as we stand back to back again.
"20 steps.. Go!" Mark says as we start taking 20 steps. Once I reach my 20th I turn and I fire at Wade... I hit his leg.. He falls but I run over and hold my gun to his head.
"Any last words?" I ask him.
"Yeah... Your coming with me" Wade says as he shoots his gun into my stomach. I fall to the ground but not before I shoot Wade in the head.... I lay there clutching my stomach pretending to be slowly dying... I see Mark run over to me.. He plays along.
"Jack! No!" Mark yells as he picks me up bridle style. I then pretend to die once I see Bob run over.... Mark pretend cries as he falls to his knees... Still holding me.
"Nooooo!" Mark cries. I then roll out of Mark's arms, pick up mine and Mark's gun.. Then I shoot both Mark and Bob in the heads with one shot each... They both fall.
"Score!" I say as I shoot Mark several times with both guns.
"Stop! That tickles!" Mark yells as he trips me so that I fall and loose one of my guns. Mark grabs the one gun, loads it then we have our guns pointed at each other holding our ground... Mark fires but I duck then I run and tackle him because I have no more darts... Oops. I land with my hands pinning his down and my knees on his stomach... He can move at all.
"Ha! Gotcha!" I say with a smirk.
"Ok Nala" Mark smiles.
"I'm not a girl and your no prince" I say as I get up off him.
"Let's play tag with the seeker using a gun to tag the people" Wade says as they put the guns and items back in the box.
"So we're outlaws and your the cop?" I ask as I start running.
"No... I didn't.... Say I was the seeker" Wade says as he grabs his weapons then everyone else runs. Me and Mark end up climbing another tree... I get a little too cocky though... I climb higher.
"Jack be careful" Mark says quietly to me.
"I am" I say right as I climb on a dead and flimsy branch.... I fall face first to the ground "ow" I feel tears come to my eyes.
"Jack are you ok?" Mark asks as he drops from the tree and runs to me. I get up and I start crying more... My right eye is swollen shut... That's not pleasant.
"Wade go get Jack's mom!" Mark yells at Wade as I start limping back to the house... Mark is helping me. I see my ma run out to me.... She picks me up and looks at my face.
"Oh good... It doesn't look too bad... Just some scrapes and bruises" my ma says as she kisses me and takes me into the house. She fixes me up then later we eat and get ready for bed... Mark is the only one sleeping over... Although I would've liked the others too but they can't.
"Ok boys time for bed" my ma says as she turns off the tv.
"Awwww.... Already?" I whine as me and Mark get up off the couch.
"Yes... I've already let you stay up longer than you normally do... Now you need to sleep" she says as she pushes us to the bathroom. We brush our teeth then we head to my room.. Mark has an air mattress on the floor that he 'sleeps' on. My ma says goodnight then leaves.
"You can come up now" I whisper to Mark as he gets up and climbs into the bed with me.
"Your bed is so warm" Mark says as he moves next to me. I turn so that our backs are presses against each other... I can feel the heat coming from his body... I like this... Then again I always like when Mark stays overnight.
"Happy birthday Jack" Mark whispers... I smile.

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