Grade Eight

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-Jack's POV-
The bell rings for lunch time... I grab my lunch and sit in silence while eating... I look around to everyone else who has a friend to talk to.. I even see two people kissing. I get a ball in my throat as I think of Mark.... I wish I hadn't had to move back to Ireland... I have no friends and it sucks without Mark. I pull out my phone and I text my mom.

Mom.... Could I please text Mark?

No sweetie... It's too expensive

Aww.... Fine :( I just am bored because I'm literally the only one sitting by themselves not talking

Oh Jack... I'm sorry we had to move but your father had gotten a better job here than in L.A.

Why is it always about jobs!? Why can't it be about what I want for once!

Jack... Calm down.. I'm sorry but I have to go... I need to pick up your brother

Why can't I come home for lunch!?

"Hey Jack!" I hear some kid yell at me "is that what your mommy calls you" a bunch of the kids start laughing... I hear my phone ding signalling I have a message.
"Who are you texting... Your mommy?"
"Stop talking about my mom! I'm sure she's a better mom than yours will ever be!" I yell as I stand up.
"Oooo.... Scary" he jokes as he pushes me backwards... I trip over my chair and hit my head on ground.. Hard! I groan in pain as I stand up... I look up to see him holding my phone... Looking through it.
"Hey! Give that back!" I yell as I kick him in the shin then I grab my phone from him... I run out of the room and to the bathroom. I enter one of the stalls then I just cry... I cry for Mark because he wouldn't have let that kid hurt me... I want Mark but I can't see or message him. I get up to go out and wash my face but then I turn to see blood on the back of the toilet... Is my head bleeding?! I place my hand to the back of my head as I head out into the hall and down to the office.
"Hello?! Please help me!" I beg as the principal comes out to see me.
"What's wrong?" He asks as I put up my hand to show the blood.
"I'm bleeding... Bad" I say.

-Time Skip!-

I wake up to see my mom and dad sleeping in chairs beside my bed... I sit up slowly but I groan at the pain in my head and at my dizziness.
"Jack! You're awake! Oh thank god!" My mom says as she hugs me... I hug back then start crying "what's wrong?"
"I want Mark" I cry into her shoulder "he wouldn't have let this happen to me"
"I know you do sweetie but there's nothing we can do we didn't have enough money to travel back to America yet" she says... I just cry harder. I eventually calm down then I am able to go home so we arrive at home and I just go up to my room and I fall asleep.
"Jack wake up" I hear a familiar voice trying to wake me from my slumber. I open my eyes to see a raven haired man standing above me... I am scared at first but then something about his chocolate brown eyes that calms me.
"Who are you?" I ask as I sit up.
"Jack are you okay? It's me.. You're boyfriend... Mark" he says to me.
"No... You're not Mark... You're older than Mark is" I say as I narrow my eyes at him.
"Wow make me feel older than I am much... How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror for once in 20 years" he laughs. I get up and head to what I assume is the bathroom... I hear the man mumble something along the lines of 'I was just kidding' I reach the mirror... I gasp at myself as I see a middle aged man staring back at me.
"What? What's going on!?" I ask as I feel myself slipping from consciousness... I walk backwards then I faint.
"Jack!" Is the last thing I hear then everything is black. I open my eyes to see a very small amount of white light... I look like I'm under water... Wait! I am! I look up to see a very faint light coming from what I assume is the moon... I try swimming up as fast as I can trying to get to the surface before I run out of air. Oh no... I'm to late.. I... Can't... Breathe... I see my vision dimming as the pain in my lungs fades along with my vision... Everything fades to black. I open my eyes to see I'm in a small spot light... It's the only light in what looks like an endless abyss on the outside of the circle... I want to go further but I'm scared for what's on the other side. Just then another light flicks on.. In the middle of the light laying on the floor is a person... They don't seem to be moving.. Or breathing. I slowly walk closer... I can now see a puddle of blood around the body... I step closer to see that they're wrists are cut.
"Jack! No! Why!?" I hear someone scream from in front of me... I look to see another spot light.. And another boy.. About my age... Actually is sounds like Mark?
"Mark! I'm right here!" I yell as he continues to sob. I run over to him I kneel beside him trying to comfort him... But it's like I'm not there... I go to put my hand on his shoulder only to have it go through his body.
"What? What's going on? Who is that?" I ask as I head back to the body... I now notice a note beside the body.

Dear Mark,
I'm sorry if you ever see this but I doubt you will since you've forgotten about me. I love you so much, too much to the point where I couldn't stand to be without you for another year! After I heard you have a girlfriend I just couldn't take it... You are having a great life and I'd only ruin it by waiting for you so I might as well not even exist... So here I'm gone! I hope you're having a good life and don't let me drag you down.

I gasp.. Jack? Me?! I roll over the body to see me... My face covered in blood from the puddle and my neck slit.. I gag at the sight.
"No... Please wake me up from this nightmare! Please! Someone! Help me!" I scream through tears. I wake up with a scream... Tears streaming from my face... My sheets and myself drenched in sweat... My breath sped up along with my heart rate. I see my bedroom fly door open to reveal my mom and dad looking panicked... My mom comes over and pulls me into a tight hug.
"What happened? A bad dream?" She asks. I nod then I think about how sleeping with Mark always helped me sleep better... I start balling my eyes out.
"I want Mark" I say for probably the thousandth time while in tears.
"I know you do, I know" she says as I can clearly see how much she wants to help me but she can't.
"I need Mark"

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