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-Jack's POV-
I feel tears fill my eyes as my ma leaves me alone on the first day of school... I don't want her to leave me in this strange place with scary people. I walk around slowly as I look at all the kids my age but they are taller than me... I don't like this.. Can't I just go home and see my ma.
"Are you Sean Mcloughlin?" I hear a smooth calm comforting voice of a woman. I turn to see a lady standing above me... She has a nice white smile on her face.. I nod to her.
"Where's your mother did she leave already?" The woman asks.
"She had to go to work" I say as I wipe my eyes.
"Oh well don't worry you'll be safe with me... Don't you wanna go talk to the other kids?" She asks. I shake my head... I don't really want to.. I just want to go home.
"I want to go home" I say as I feel my eyes fill with tears again.
"How about this.. Let me take you inside early where you can be alone... How about that?" The teacher asks me as she crouches to my height. I look at her then I nod as I wipe my eyes... She takes my hand then we walk into the school and into what I assume is my class because there is a desk with my name on it. When I get there I take my stuff out of my backpack and I organize it all in my desk where it should be... My ma says that for a 4 year old I am really smart and she says I act like I should be in grade one. I picture my moms face.. I smile then I get sad again because I just want to hug her and hold her hand... I don't want to be here. I hear a really loud bell... I jump then cover my ears... I then see the lady that brought me in here.. She's bringing in the rest of my class in.... She must be my teacher. I do what my ma told me to do... I sit up straight with my hands folded on my desk... She says it's polite to do.. And to say please, thank you, pardon and excuse me. It takes a few minutes to get settled down but eventually everyone is quiet and in their seats.
"Ok everyone welcome to your first year of school... Isn't it exciting?" She asks the class.. A lot of people says yes but there are a few including me who shake our heads "anyway my name is Miss. Hansen but you can call me Miss. H if you like" she smiled at us before sitting down at her desk and continuing to talk.
"Now let's start off by introducing yourselves... Just say your name and some choice facts or things that you like" Miss. H says as she points to the first kid. We go through everybody up until she gets to the kid beside me.. On my right is a boy with jet black hair and brown eyes... He stands up.
"U-uh my name is Mark and I was born in Hawaii but my family moved here" he says "i-uh... M-my dad teaches me how to use a computer" Mark sits down then just stays quiet... I think that was the saddest thing I've seen so far.
"Sean.. Your turn" Miss. Hansen says to me. I stand up then I feel my palms get sweaty.
"I-I-I'm..Sean but most of my family calls me Jack so you can call me Jack .. I was born in Ireland but we moved here a year ago because my mom got a job here" I say then I pause and look around "I have.. Um.. I am the youngest of five" I sigh then sit down.. Why was that so hard? Was it because of... Him? Mark?
-Time skip-
We have gym now... We all line up then we head down to the gym... When we go in I gasp at how big and empty the room is. I just gaze around the room then our teacher tells everyone to gather in the middle.. I follow her instructions.
"Ok class so for today we are going to have free time... I brought out some different things you can play with so go have fun" the teacher says as everyone runs to the toys.. Except for me.
"Jack.. What are you doing go get a toy" miss. H says to me.
"I'm waiting until everyone is done getting what they want" I say as I stand up and wait till there is only one person left. I head over than I grab a tennis ball that is left over.. I go and bounce it against the wall... I'm just minding my own business and I'm fine until I feel a hand on my arm. I get pulled to the right but then I see a basketball bounce off the wall just where I was standing.. I look behind me to see that Mark was the one that saved me.
"Thank you" I say to him with a smile.
"No problem" he says as he nods to me.
"Your Mark right?" I ask him as I bounce the ball to him.
"Yeah... You realize how adult our conversation sounds right now?" Mark says with a laugh.
"I know... My ma says I have the mind of a grade one or two" I say as we pass the ball back and fourth.
"Yeah same" he says with a smile "so your Irish?"
"Yeah I'm from Ireland but like I said my ma got a job here so we moved" I say. Mark looks at me then smiles.. I know then that this is the start of a great friendship.

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