Grade Eleven

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-Jack's POV-
"Hey girl how are you? I've missed you" I say as Signe presses a kiss to my lips.
"I've missed you too... How is your spring break?" She asks.
"It's good so far... But it's much better now" I smile as she giggles at me.
"Oh you.... I love you so much" she smiles as she follows me to my moms car "I should come visit more often"
"Yeah but it's costs money to come and I don't want you going broke because of me" I say as I open her door and she gets in.
"I know... I'll get a job soon... Then I can come over more often" she giggles as I get in my side.
"You're here for the next four days right?" I ask.
"Yeah... And these will be the best four days of my life" she smiles.
"Me too" I smile back.
"So.. What do ya have planned?" She asks as I drive us to my house.
"Well... A lot of cuddling and gaming" I suggest.
"Sounds like a plan... But maybe we could also go out and you could show me around?" She adds.
"Yeah sure... But y'know what... Else I was thinking?" I say seductively as I wriggle my eyebrows at her.
"don't get your hopes up" she smirks evilly at me.
"Why do ya keep holding it off?" I sigh as I pout.
"Because... I'm a good girl and my daddy says not till I'm 18" she says in a higher pitched little girl voice.
"Daddy? I could be your daddy" I grin at her as she smacks my arm... I then pull into the driveway of the house me and my parents live in... All my siblings are on their own now.
"Alright... Here we are... My home" I smirk as I get out then I grab her bags and take them inside up to my room... On the way there we pass my ma.
"Hi sweetie... Oh and hello Signe it's so nice to see you again" my ma greets us.
"It's good to see you too Mrs. Mcloughlin" Signe smiles and follows me up to my room. Once we get in I close and lock the door... I then flop down on my bed.
"Go ya need anything?" I ask her as she lays beside me.
"Nah... I'm just really tired so I might sleep" she yawns as she cuddles up to me. Minutes later I feel myself falling asleep.
-Mark's POV-
I sigh as I lay back in my bed... I'm so bored... I mean I've played all the games I have and none of them I enjoy enough to play for the 700th time... I don't have enough money to buy more because I'm saving up money to put me through college and my mom says that as soon as high school is done I'll have to live on my own. I get up then I head over to my closet... I decide to clean it out maybe sell some things or just see if there's any games in there... I open the door and look at the mountain of stuff... I begin. About half way through I find a piece of paper that has a note on it.

Dear Mark,
I know having to part ways is heart breaking for you but I just hope that you can find some happiness in your life until we meet again. I hope you know how much I love you and how much I didn't want to leave you... I so badly wanted to spend the rest of my life with you but I guess my parents had different plans. I wrote this just so you can read it over and over again and to let you know I won't forget you and for you to not forget me... Although you probably will I hope this at least reminds you of me. I will always forever love you.

At that name I feel a wave of emotions hit me... Hard. I immediately start crying hard.... I haven't thought about Jack in a while and my love for him still remains strong and unbreakable. I sit on the edge of the bed just reading his Name over and over.
"Mark? You ok?" I hear my mom ask as she comes in... I just shake my head and hand her the letter "oh... You still love him huh?"
"I haven't thought about him in a few years yet just reading his name brings back the same emotions from the day he left" I cry into my hands.
"I'm sure you'll see him someday.... Just have hope" my mom smiles at me as she leaves.
"I have ever since he left" I say as I look up at my mom.
-Jack's POV-
I wake up to see Signe looking through my phone.
"Excuse me.. What are you doing?" I smile at her as I sit up and look to see she's looking through my contacts.
"I was bored" she smiles but that smile fades as she reaches the last one.
"What's wrong?" I ask as I look at the name... Moo... Mark? I grab my phone and I stare at the name..... Mark... My eyes fill with tears as I break down at the memory of my first love... The greatest love I've ever had and ever will.
"C-can you go?" I ask Signe "I just need a few.... Hours"
"Yeah... I'll let you calm" she says sadly as she heads out of my room closing the door behind her. After she leaves I open my messages and I read all our previous texts... There's not many which is strange considering we had our phones for two years and we we're together but... I guess we we're around each other all the time so we didn't need to text.
"Mark why do I still have to love you this much... So much that it hurts" I whisper to myself as I cry harder. I wonder what he's doing now... I just hope he's happy and not still hung up on me... I just wish I could text him... I mean I guess I could since we have unlimited texting to anywhere but... I don't know if he does or not. I just don't know if he still remembers or loves me... He could be completely different and may not love me anymore... I wish I hadn't have had to move then I'd still be with him now. The one and only love that I loved with all my heart the one I still love so much... How have I forgotten about him all these years? Maybe it's for the best that I do because otherwise I won't be able to function properly with breaking into tears. Mark... I still love you and I hope to meet again soon.

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