Grade one

248 17 11

-Mark's POV-
"Hey Mark" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn to see Jack walking up to me.. I instantly get a huge smile on my face.
"Hey Jack.. Ready for our field trip today?" I ask him feeling excited.
"Hell yeah!" Jack almost screams. I look around to see any teachers are outside yet... Luckily there are none.
"I know the zoo will be so fun.. I want to throw rocks at the rhinos" I say with a giggle.
"What about the lions? They would get so pissed" Jack laughs. I smile.. This is gonna be fun.. Even more fun with Jack.
"What about elephants? They hate mice, so if you throw a rock at their feel all hell would break loose" I say as we both start laughing just picturing what would happen. The bell then rings... We head inside, take attendance then we get onto the bus. I'm walking down the aisle when I see Jack smiling at me.. He waves at me.
"Mark sit beside me" he says. I gladly take the empty seat next to him... The bus ride is long but it's fun because me and Jack are just making jokes and laughing the whole time. We also start singing several songs out loud... That annoys several people including the teachers... We just laugh then do it again later. When we get off the bus we split into three groups.. Me and Jack are in the same group.. Luckily. Our group goes to see the elephants first... We're gonna have so much fun... We just stand there watching them and collecting rocks for a few minutes. Then we climb the side and start chucking rocks at the elephants feet.
"This isn't doing anything" Jack complains as he looks at me. I shrug my shoulders then I throw my last rock it hits one of the elephants in the eye so it starts freaking out... We both jump off the fence then we step back so it doesn't look like we did it. The one elephant that's freaking out riles up the other ones so that there are four elephants stomping around and running in circles. We start laughing so hard that I can't breathe.. It's worth it though.
"Ok let's go guys" Miss Hansen says as we head to the next exhibit. We go to the Penguins next.
"I wish I could jump in the water with them" I say as I lean against the glass watching them.
"Why?" Jack asks me.
"Because I'm so hot" I say as I strike a pose. Jack breaks into a laughing fit... I join him.
"You can say that again" Jack says as he moves to the rest of the class that starting to move again.
"Wait what?!" I stop laughing and I turn to look at him with shock. The next animal we visit is the gorillas.. Oh this can only end with me and Jack laughing hysterically. There is one that is sitting right in front of the glass so we go to him.. Or her. I press my hand to the glass then so does the gorilla... Right where my hand is.
"Awww looks like you have an admirer" Jack laughs.
"Either that or he's trying to kill me but he forgot that there was glass here" I say with a laugh. Jack giggles then he places his one hand on the glass... The gorilla puts his other hand against the glass where Jack's is. We both smile at each other then we move on to the next exhibit... The lions. We walk up to the fence and we both climb it so we're hanging over the top... Our teacher tells us to be careful but doesn't mind because she knows we're just trying to get a better look.
"Crap I forgot to grab some rocks" Jack says.
"Here" I say as I take a few rocks from my pocket and hand them to him "I got your back"
"Thanks" Jack says as he nods to me. He then starts throwing them at the closest lion to us... It's a boy. I start throwing them at him as well and we hit him on the butt several times... The lion gets pissed and roars at up.
"Uh oh" I say as I jump off the edge then I pull Jack down.
"I think that's enough flirting with death" Jack says... He sounds so adult. I laugh at that thought.
"What's so funny?" Jack asks.
"You just sounded so adult when you said that" I say with a smirk.
"I guess I did" Jack laughs.
"Ok kids time for a lunch break" Miss Hansen says as we head over to the picnic tables in the middle of a huge grassy park area. We also meet the other two groups there. Me and Jack sit beside each other.. We eat quickly then we decide to run around for the rest of our lunch break, We play tag and hide & seek. We get tired then we find ourselves laying side by side looking up at the sky, watching the clouds.
"There's a duck" I say pointing to the sky at a duck shaped cloud.
"And there's a randomly shaped cloud" Jack says not pointing to anything... We both laugh.
"Ok kids time to go look around some more" Miss Hansen says as we pack our stuff up "Jack you come with me Mark go with Mr Vandal"
"What?! No!" Jack yells "I don't want to!"
"Do we have to?" I whine.
"You and Jack cause to much trouble together" Miss Hansen says as she grabs Jack... Mr Vandal grabs me and pulls me with him. Me and Jack both desperately kick and scream to get out of the teachers grasp.. I look up and I see Jack start crying once he's too tired to struggle anymore. I start crying too... Mostly just because of Jack crying for me. For the rest of the trip I'm quiet and I just stomp around slowly... Jack is my only friend and it sure as hell looks like I'm Jack's only friend... So why would they split us up? Once we come to the end of our trip we head back to the bus.. I run onto the bus to see Jack looking around for me.. I run to him and once i take my seat I feel Jack hug me tightly.
"I missed you" Jack says to me... I feel my heart pounding and getting faster. What is this feeling?

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