Grade Seven

169 13 4

-Mark's POV-
I lay in my bed balling my eyes out just as I had done for The whole night and several nights earlier... It's a Friday but it's the last day of school until next year... I don't know what the point of going to school today is... Normally I would be excited about seeing Jack but it just means I have to say goodbye to him.
"Mark... Buddy... Time to get up" my dad says as he is standing in my doorway.
"Do I have to go to school?" I ask muffled through tears and my pillow.
"Go say bye to Jack" he says as he comes and sits down on the side of my bed.
"Can't he come here and say goodbye after school? If I go to school I'll be crying all day and people will get annoyed" I say as I turn onto my back.
"Well if he's willing to come then sure... Text him" my dad says. I grab my phone from the night stand then I go into my contacts.

Hey Jack... Um could you come to my house after school... I won't be at school today

Why won't you go? I want to say goodbye!

The truth is I've been crying all night so I'm tired and I'm still crying so I'd be really annoying

Oh Mark... Im gonna come see you after school

Ok... See ya


-Jack's POV-
I rush down the stairs through the empty living room to the almost empty kitchen to see my mom ready to drive me to school.
"Mom wait" I say as I look her in the eyes "can I maybe just go say bye to everyone then go to Mark's house until we leave?"
"Isn't Mark at school?" My mom asks.
"No he's not going because... H-he says he's been crying all night and still is... He's been crying several passed nights and has been hugging and kissing me every chance he gets... I thought I could spend my last day with him at his house" I say trying not to cry myself.
"Ok... That's fine... So I'll wait for you to say your quick goodbyes then I'll take you to his place?" My mom suggests.
"Thank you" I hug my mom as I grab my backpack and take it.. I just have some of my stuff in it so I'll take it for something to look at. We arrive just as the bell rings for school to start so I head straight inside... I go around saying goodbye to everyone then I run back out to the car.. My mom takes me to Mark's house.. She drops me off so I go to the front door and I just walk in. Mark's parents have become used to me coming over so they don't care if I just walk in as long as they know I'm here... I see Mark's mom and dad in the kitchen with worried looks on their faces.
"Hey... I'm here to spend the rest of my day with Mark.... Shhh" I put my finger over my mouth so they know not to tell him. They both smiled at me as I walk sneakily up the stairs to his room... I peek through the slightly open door to see a heartbreaking sight... Mark on his back balling his eyes out into the pillow that was on his face... I see that he is wearing the one shirt I had made him a couple years back. The shirt had a digital M on it with a pink moustache on the front... I gave it to him for his birthday. I step in then I quietly close the door behind me.... I walk over to the bed then I carefully climb on Mark straddling his hips... I lay my head down on his chest.. My hands go to his shoulders.
"Mark" I whisper as he moves the pillow off his face and his hands go to my thighs.
"Jack? Why are you here?" He asks pulling me up more so that my head is resting in the crook of his neck.
"I'm gonna spend the rest of the day here, with you because you need it" I say as I lift my head then I press my lips to his. When we break I continue to press kisses over his face and neck.
"You doing this is gonna make me miss you more..." Mark sighs "so what's gonna happen?"
"What do you mean?"
"Long distance relationship? Or end it tonight?" Mark asks.
"What do you mean end it? I'm sure we can make things work" I say.
"I don't know.... When do you think you'll be back?"
"I don't know... I didn't think I would until later on in my life" I say as I think about my future.
"Yeah and I don't know if I can wait that long... Plus you might move on by then and I don't want to wait then get crushed over text or phone" Mark says as he looks sad already.
"Mark... Shhhh" I say as I put my finger over his lip "we'll talk about this later but right now just relax and enjoy my company because I could have gone to school but I decided to come here"
"Ok" Mark says quietly as he slowly sits up pulling me with him. He is sitting up against the headboard while I straddling his lap... My arms around his neck... His one hand on my lower back and one on the back of my neck.. Our lips connect. We stay like this for a while in a make out session.... I so badly want to go further but I know it's wrong because we're still so young.. I resist. I break the kiss then I just bury my head in his neck... I inhale his scent.... I close my eyes but I then feel myself falling asleep so I make myself stay awake.
"Go to sleep if you tired" Mark says as he places a kiss on the top of my head.
"But I want to spend time with you.. Not sleep" I say as I look up at him.
"I need sleep too and I don't think I will for a while after you're gone so this could be the last good sleep I get... With you" Mark says as he hugs me tightly.
"Awe Mark.... I don't wanna leave you... It hurts me to see you like this" I say.
"I know... I can't help it... I love you too much" Mark says "that's why I think we should break up" I can hear the dread in his voice.
"But why?" I ask.
"Because knowing we're still together and that I won't get to kiss you or see you for a while will just hurt me more" Mark points out "I don't think we could pull of a long distance relationship when we're this young because it will be forever until we're aloud to travel alone" I sigh knowing he's right.. I get a lump in my throat as tears fill my eyes.
"I know... But I may not get you back" I cry into his shoulder.
"Jack... Please don't cry... You're gonna make me cry for the thousandth time today" Mark says as his voice trembles.
"I'm sorry.... Maybe I should get sleep... To calm down" I say as I close my eyes.
"I agree.. I love you Jack" Mark says.
"I love you too"
-Mark's POV-
"Guys wake up" I hear what sounds like my moms voice. I open my eyes to see my mom standing at the door... I look at the time.. 8:00... I look down at Jack's face on my shoulder.
"Jack" I say quietly into his ear... He starts waking up.
"Hmm?" He mumbles as he sits up.
"Jack... Your parents are waiting out front... You're leaving now" my mom says as she turns and leaves us. We both get up and stretch... I have this lump in my throat.... We walk down the stairs and out the front door... That's when I break down... I stop in my tracks.
"Mark.... Please don't cry" Jack says as he sees the look on my face. I pull him into a tight hug then I bury my face into his shoulder.. I cry my lungs out.... He then starts but not as much.
"Mark I have to go... The flight is very soon" Jack says as he lifts my face to look him in the eyes "be strong... I'd hate myself knowing you are broken and I'm the only one who can fix you"
"I'll try.... but I-I can't make... A-any promises" I say still crying. Jack then presses a kiss to my lips right before he leaves... After Jack let's go of me I fall to my knees with my hands over my face not trying to hide my emotions. Jack walks back over to me... He uncovers my face then presses his forehead to mine.
"Mark... Please calm down... If it hurts you that much then try and forget about me okay?"
"But how... You've been most of my happiness ever since we first met" I cry.
"You'll make it and find someone knew... Bob, Wade, Felix and Ken will help you through it" Jack says.
"Felix and Ken are moving back to where they're from too..... And we're moving back to Cincinnati in the summer... I think Bob and Wade are too though" I say as I just get more upset.
"You're moving? Then you'll meet some new friends and maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend" Jack says trying to make me happy, to no avail.
"Jack! Let's go!" I hear Jack's dad call to him.
"But I don't want anyone else....."
"I gotta go Mark... Bye" Jack kisses me on the lips before Leaving "love you" I continue crying as Jack gets in the car then they're off.
"I want you" I whisper to myself desperately trying to wake up from this nightmare. I get up and I run into my house up to my room ignoring everything and everyone as I slam my door and lock myself in my room... I cry so hard into my pillow as I run through my last moments with Jack for a while.
"Jack come back to me" I whisper to myself.

Together Forever No Matter What (Septiplier)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora