Grade Three

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-Mark's POV-
"Mommy help us" I say as me and Jack run towards my mom.
"He's going to eat us" Jack giggles. Just then I trip and fall to the ground only to feel a wet tongue on my face.... I giggle as I roll over so that she can't get my face.
"Oh no! She has Mark!" Jack yells as Lucy proceeds to now roll on me. I find a window of space where she's not on me so I get up quickly and I run over to Jack... He stands in front of me with his arms open.
"If you want Mark... Your gonna have to go through me first!" Jack says proudly. Lucy barks then tackles us both to the ground... We both begin screaming and giggling as Lucy starts licking us.
"Ok Lucy that's enough get off of them" my mommy says as she pulls Lucy off us "you two are dirty little children... Your going to have to have showers when your done"
"Ok... But we're not done yet" I say as I start running again "Lucy! Here girl!" Jack gets up and follows me... We head to the swings at the back of the yard... My backyard isn't as big as Jack's but it's a decent size. We reach the swings... I look back to see that Lucy gave up and went back to the house... She's older so I can understand why. I get on one swing and Jack gets on the other.... We swing for a while in silence then I feel something grab my hand... I look over to see Jack holding my hand... He smiles at me. I nod then I hold on to his hand tight... We both start swinging the same speed so that were beside each other... We always do this.. Once were high enough we both look at each other, still holding hands.
"1... 2... 3!" I say. We both jump off the swings... Still holding hands we tumble and end up landing so that I'm laying on top of Jack... We both start laughing. Then out of nowhere Lucy come barreling towards us... We scream then get tackled by her again... She starts rolling around like a maniac.. She starts kicking us too.
"Boys! I'm going in so you should too!" I hear my mommy yell from the other side of the yard.
"Only if we can watch a movie!" I yell back.
"Fine but you shower first!" She yells as we start walking back to the house.
"Okay!" I yell as we pick up the pace and start running back to the house.
-Time Skip because of boring unnecessary details-
"What movie do you want to watch?" I ask as I look through the movies there is on Netflix.
"What about a scary movie?" Jack asks with a devious grin. I think about it... Then I type in scary movies in the search bar... I look to see several that sound or look scary... I just choose any random one. We turn off the lights and we turn up the volume on my computer... We sit on my bed and watch. The first half an hour is fine but soon after there is a jump scare... We both jump and scream then I feel Jack hug me tightly... I hug back as the tension rises from the silence on the movie. Several more jump scares happened and we are now hugging each other tightly hiding our faces... Everything goes quiet so we both look up at the screen just then a really creepy looking girl pops up.... We both scream really loud and we sprint out of my room down to the living room where my mom is. We both hug her tight now in tears... She calms us as much as she can while my dad gets up and heads to my room to see what happened. I then feel Jack start falling... He falls to the floor and my eyes widen as I see his eyes are... GONE!? I look up to my mom to see her fall back... Her eyes are gone too.... I scream and I run to my room to find my dads head laying on my bed while his body is on the floor.
"No! Why!" I scream as I turn to see the girl from the movie, moving towards me. I scream and run out of my room but I'm to late I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head then I fall to the ground... Everything goes black. I wake up screaming and crying to see that I'm laying with Jack laying on me... We must have fallen asleep watching a movie... I look to see that the movie is finished and that we only watched The Avengers.
"Mark are you ok?" Jack asks as he sits up beside me. Before I can answer the door to my room opens to show my mom and dad... They turn the lights on and come over to me.
"What happened?" My mommy asks as she pulls me into a hug.
"I guess I fell asleep while watching the movie and I had a scary dream" I cry into my moms shoulder.
"Well it's okay... It's over now alright" she says as she kisses my forehead. I nod then she puts me down.... I wipe my eyes then I take a deep breath.
"I guess we should brush our teeth" I say as I get up and head to the bathroom, Jack on my heels. We get to the bathroom and we brush our teeth.
"What was the dream about?" Jack asks as he washes his brush off.
"About us watching a scary movie but then everyone in the house gets killed... So I watch everyone die then I die" I say as I walk back to my room where my mom has made my bed. I climb in and Jack climbs in on the other side... By now my mom has gotten used to us sleeping together so she expects it when Jack comes over... Same with Jack's ma when I go over to his place.
"Goodnight... Love you" I say to my mom.
"Goodnight Mrs. Fishbach" Jack says as he snuggles under the blankets.
"Goodnight you two" she says as she leaves and closes the door.
"Mark?" Jack says as he moves closer to me.
"Yeah" I respond as I look over at him. Jack then moves closer and without warning he kisses me on the cheek... My eyes widen and my heart speeds up... Then he snuggles onto my chest like always but tonight feels... Different.
"Goodnight Jackaboy" I whisper with a smile that I can't seem to get rid of.
"I love you Mark" Jack mumbles into my chest. I feel my face heat up then I slowly drift off to sleep. The next morning I wake up to see that Jack is not here... I get up then I head down to the kitchen to see my mom siting at the counter drinking coffee and watching the morning news. I go over to her and I take a seat at the stool next to my mom... She smiles at me.
"Where's Jack?" I ask.
"He went home already... His mom came to get him an hour ago... She said that she is taking him to the dentist today and he needs to get ready" my mom says as she gets up and grabs my cereal.
"Oh.. Ok" I say with a sigh.
"What's wrong sweetie?" She asks as she places the bowl of cereal in front of me.
"I was just kinda hoping that he could stay longer" I pout.
"Jack can come back tomorrow after school if you want" my mom says as she sits back beside me.
"Okay" I say as I start eating my cereal. I wish I wasn't to shy to say something to my mom... I want to ask her what this feeling is.. This feeling that I have towards Jack. If I didn't know any better I would think it was love... But that's silly.. Guys can't love guys.

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