Here the Shadows Lie chapter 23

Start from the beginning

I eventually got tired since I was so out of shape; even though my looks would deceive that. I rested against a tree, and shut my eyes for a minute, though that minute was just enough time for Kairos to reenter my vulnerable head. At first I saw nothing, just a blank white space that hurt my eyes from the brightness. Then Kairos came up from behind me, looking young as ever.

" should have listened to me Alexa..." his silky voice lured.

I was so attracted to his evil beauty that I didn't even notice what he was talking about.

"Whoa. What do you mean?" I asked.

He chuckled musically shedding his horrible outer shell of hatred, or so it seemed," My dear child, you were supposed to hand yourself to me. But you are too late now."

I raised an eyebrow," Too late for?"

Then he vanished, leaving me in a room with blood pooled from everywhere. Bodies were tossed all over the ground, and it smelled revolting. I gagged fiercely, and then shook from Kairos's mind grip.

I coughed hoarsely sucking in the cool, fresh air to ease my sickened stomach. Kairos was insane, even if he did look very good at eighteen. He was still a murderer, he still wanted me, and he said I was too late? What did he mean by that?

Who knew, and for some odd reason it felt as if I was about to find out. I got up from my slouched position on the tree, and decided to head back home to take whatever consequences came with it. They would eventually get over the fact that I randomly disappeared out of my desk, and everyone would just forget about. There was absolutely nothing to worry about, or at least that was I thought.

I transported back into my car, which was still in the school parking lot. I backed out, and headed towards home knowing that Lori, Mark, and Valerie should have been home by then since it was getting dark. I just had noticed that I had been within Kairos's control for about four hours, since I left school around two. My hands clenched the steering wheel tightly preparing for a lot of questioning from them, and my school. What was I supposed to say to them? I'm a Shadow and I have awesome powers that will let me go anywhere I want! Yeah, that wouldn't have gone down well.

I pulled into my driveway, and took the keys out of the ignition slowly. I knew I would loathe the minute that I walked into the living room. Lori would be yelling up a storm, and Mark would just glare and agree with her. Then Valerie most likely would be up in her room trying to sleep, but hearing every single word that was coming out of their mouths.

I got out of my car, and procrastinated to get to the front door, though something felt...wrong. I took my keys out and tried to put them in the door, but it was already open. I walked in examining the living room around me. It seemed normal to me. Then a loud crash came from the kitchen, and a blood curdling scream from upstairs.

This is what Kairos meant, he was after my family.

I sprinted to the kitchen without a moment's hesitation to find Lori in a bloody fetal position. I could tell by standing a distance from her that most of her bones must have been broken to curl into that position. I dropped onto my knees next to her hardly breathing, and unraveled her body. I checked her neck for a simple pulse yet found not the slightest beat. Lori, my only known mother was lying dead in my own arms, because of me.

My cheeks dripped salty tears as I held her close to me, and rocked her asking why all of this had to happen to me. Why I was tortured like this. I screamed in agony, I wanted her back so badly I would have killed myself for her. I brushed Lori's bloody auburn hair out of her face, and laid her back down to the ice cold tile of the kitchen floor.

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