65. Home Sweet.......Trouble

Start from the beginning

"No I'll deal with this. I know where Kevin got his stff from and it wasn't Isaiah. Kevin hated Isaiah," I replied.

"Britt don't pay him," Dave said as he looked at me.

"Well what the fuck else are we gonna do?" I half asked, hald yelled.

"John said we can release an official statement as soon as possible if we want to," Dave replied.

"How is that gonna do anything? He'll sell the story for money either way. I'm screwed no matter what," I said as Frances pulled out a smoke, opened my window and sat by it so she could smoke. Dave asked her for one and she gave him one.

"We can say that you have only ever smoked weed and done cocaine. You haven't done coke since you found out you where pregnant with the twins. You smoke weed for your aniexty and panic attacks. We can also say any tabliod that buys and prints the story we'll sue their asses," Dave replied as he and Frances sat on the window sill and smoked.

"Fine do whatever. I don't care. I'm pregnant and don't need this bullshit. I so want a puff though," I said as I walked over to Frances and she held her smoke out for me to take. I took a quick puff and handed it back to her.

"Just relax babe. I'll call John and fix this right now. Don't tweet, facebook or instagram anything about this til the statement is out," Dave said as he put his smoke out and walked out of the office to call John.

"He's only doing this to cause drama," Frances said as she put hers out as well.

"He's a dick," I repeated. We sat there in and waited for Dave. He came back 10 minutes later with both twins.

"John's sending out the statement from both of us asap," Dave said as he put the twins down and Meredith ran over to where I was sitting and kissed my bump.

"Baby," she said as she pointed at me belly.

"Ya that's baby," I said with a smile. Since I had moved out Kurt got uninterested me and Meredith did. Meredith was infatuated with my bump. Kurt was rubbing Dave's facial hair and Dave was aking a weird face as he did it.

"Daddy bath," Kurt said causing Frances and I to laugh.

"I need a bath?" Dave asked him.

"Yes daddy," Kurt replied. I stood up and Meredith ran over to Frances who picke dher up.

"I think you need a abth," I said to Kurt as I started tickling him and he giggled.

"No mommy," He said.

"Bath," Meredith said as Frances walked past us.

"I'll take him. You go chill with the guys. Tell Abby we went to wash the kids," I said as Dave handed me Kurt.

"Thank babe. I love you," Dave said before he kissed me quickly.

"I love you too," I said as he headed to the dining room and I headed upstairs.

Abby, Frances and I bathed, dried and dressed Meredith and Kurt in their pjs. They where running around the nursery as Frances showed us what she did to it. She had been ehre the last re painting it for a boy.

"Babe we gotta go. Frances youw ant a ride home?" Taylor asked after he came intot he room with Dave.

"Ya sure. Bye Britt and Dave. Bye Meredith and Kurt," Frances said as she bent down and both of them ran to her and hugged her around the neck.

She squeezed them tightly and rocked slightly before letting go and standing up and hugging both Dave and I. Abby and Taylor also said bye to the twins and us. The three of them left together as Dave and I both grabbed a twin and headed to their own rooms. Dave had Kurt and I had Meredith, so we read a bedtime story to each of them and said good night and tucked them before we switched and did the same thing with the other twin. Once we were done, we headed to our room and got ready for bed. Dave was already in bed when I walked, more like waddled, out of the bathroom and other to my side of the bed.

"You're beautiful," Dave said as I got into bed.

"I'm a beached whale. Try again after I squeeze the watermelon out," I said scarcastically as I sat beside him. He put his book and glasses on the night stand and moved closer to me.

"You're over being pregnant already aren't you?" He asked as he started rubbing my belly.

"I am. I can not wait for the next 2 and half weeks to go by. I just want him out," I replied.

"So have you thought about the new album at all?" Dave asked as he continued to rub my belly.

"I think after Eric's born I may be ready. I was actually of thinking of maybe doing like an album on my own," I replied.

"Oh?" Dave asked, surprised at what I said.

"I mean I still want to do Peace Punk stff btu I kind of want to do something on my own," I responded.

"Well what kind of solo album?" Dave asked as Eric started kicking me.

"I was thinking of maybe doing covers of songs that have helped me through out my life," I replied.

"How far have you actually thought this through?" Dave asked as he seemed to get an idea.

"Why?" I asked in response.

"Well you need people to help. I mean you have me no matter what but I don't know if you want my help or not," He replied. I leaned over and kissed me gently.

"Whatever you want to do, I'm fine with. You want to produce or play drums or guitar then you can do it. I get final say though," I said.

"I'm your label head young lady. I have final say," Dave said as he looked at me.

"Ooooo call me that again. It's kinda hot," I said as I bit my bottom lip and half smiled.

"You're in trouble now young lady," Dave said as he leaned over and started kissing me.

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