Birthday Party

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I make it to the toilet on time, opening the lid and throwing up all of my insides. I continue to throw up, my throat burning from the acid. I grip the toilet seat, as disgusting as that sounds, and continue on.

"Mommy?" Drew says as he knocks lightly on the bathroom door.

"I'm fine, don't co-" I begin to say but is rudely interrupted by the bile that keeps coming out.

"Don't come in here!" I demand Drew, not wanting him to see me like this. I don't want to ruin his day.

"Just, go sit down at the table. I'll be there in a minute." I tell him, taking a deep breath and spitting the taste out into the toilet.

I hear his tiny footsteps walk away from the room.

Once I know that everything is out, I flush the toilet and close the lid, sitting on it after.

What the hell? I can't possibly be... Can I? Wait, no I can't. Caleb and I used protection. He had a condom on. Okay, we're good.

I take a deep breath and stand up.

I take a step to the sink and wash my hands, putting water in my mouth to get rid of that horrible tasting bile. I spit out the water, wiping my face after with water. I turn off the faucet and grab a paper towel, wiping my face and hands dry. I take another deep breath and fully open the bathroom door to see Caleb standing there, looking like he was going to open the door.

"Hey, are you alright? I heard you all the way from the kitchen." Caleb says, looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just probably have the stomach flu or something." I tell Caleb, shrugging my shoulders after.

"Oh, do you wanna go rest in bed? I can take some food upstairs to you?" Caleb asks me.

"No, it's fine. Seriously. I don't want to ruin Drew's day. I want to be here for him." I tell Caleb, waving it off.

"Are you sure? We can always cancel today and reschedule it for next weekend. I'm sure Drew wouldn't mind. He cares for your health." Caleb says, feeling my head with the back of his hand.

"No, seriously. I'm fine. Come on, did you finish deep frying the bananas?" I ask him as I pull on his hand to follow me.

"Alright, if you say so. And yes I did." Caleb replies to me.

"Are you okay mommy?" Drew asks me as I walk into the kitchen. His eyes are filled with concern and worry. Casey's eyes are the same way. I sit down next to him and kiss him on the head.

"I'm fine, thank you for checking on me." I tell Drew. I blow a kiss to Casey because I see her starring at me from across the table, concern still in her eyes.

We begin to make our plates, filling it up with lots of food. We then begin to eat our delicious breakfast, talking and laughing.

Halfway with eating my breakfast, I feel the same sick feeling I felt earlier. I put my fork down gently as I feel the bile rising up my throat.

"Excuse me." I say as I stand from my chair with a smile on my face. I don't want to scare my kids again and have them worry about me. I fast walk out of the kitchen and when I get to the stairs, I run. I run to my room and into my bathroom, opening the lid to the toilet and ,once again, throwing up everything I just ate.

I hear footsteps walking into the bathroom. I feel someone hold my hair behind me so that I don't get bile on it.

"It's okay, let it all out." Caleb says behind me, rubbing my back to comfort me.

Life after MarriageTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon