pokemon is not a go // oneshot 7 [unfinished]

88 3 0

[word count  509]

Dan's Point Of View
I want to catch Pokemon.
That's all I'm going to say.

I drag Phil out of our flat, but not before forcing Pokemon merch on him and myself.

"Dan stop I'm not wearing a pikachu onesie!"
"Dan seriously it'll be way to hot,"
"Fine I'll wear the shirt but not the onesie,"
"Do I have to put on the hat?"
"Dan these poke balls you made look great!"
"Oh you bought them lol"

He and I finally made our way down the stairs that were drenched from tracked in snow, we both held tight and tried not to fall.

After slipping to many times, we blasted out to the chilly February air, leaving our footprints in the snow. The prints led to us, walking under the naked trees, well besides the pine ones.

The only thing the trees had were brightly flickering Christmas lights, well they were on- during the night. Currently they just hung there, dull and dead.

I wonder if during the night trees would magically control the Christmas lights and inappropriately blink the lights at each other.

What the hell am I even thinking.

Me and Phil stopped by pokestops (get the pun! ha. ha. ha.)
Several others had their phones out to catch Pokemon and many actually recognized us and took selfies and crap.

"Omg it's Dan and Phil!"
"Let's ask for a selfie."
"Can we take a selfie with y'all?"
"Truly sorry for bothering you,"

Though they probably were not very sorry, they probably said that because they felt ashamed for stopping me from getting a Pokemon.

But of coarse, I have no problem with that.
After taking cringe-worthy selfies and signing messy autographs, me and Phil made our way to out 4th Pokestop.

Then we were interrupted by another trainer who crude out to his friend that there was some rare Pokemon only a few feet away.

Phil then looked at me, mischief in his eyes.

"Dan, let's go and steal their Pokemon,"

I glance over and see the other pair slowly take their time towards the Pokemon, so me and Phil make a run for it.

Though we shouldn't have ran.

Me, being clumsy as hell, managed to slip on ice. Thankfully an icy bush was there to break my fall (thank you Mother Nature for bushes whom just happen to be near ice).

No thank you, Phil Lester, for slipping to, and instead landing on the bush, you decide to fall on me. Eventually, in attempt to escape the leafy prison, we get entangled.


Author's Message

I thought, should I finish this part?


Because it wasn't really going anywhere and I wrote it like months ago and I can't remember where I wanted this to go...

But hey, If you love Sherlock you should check out my new fanfic called "The Deduction Of Sherlock Holmes" !!

Go check it out ;3

Also, since I am working on that fanfic full time, I might find it difficult to slip in updates for this so sorry fam. 

And I am out! See y'all next time.

dan and phil // one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now