home is where cereal resides // oneshot 5

145 5 0

[word count 1435]

"Phil? Phil! Where are you?" Dan Howells keen eyes hurriedly searched the outside center of downtown London. They were decided to take a stroll to celebrate the now sunny spring weather after the months of dreary, cold winter.

Phil, decided to vlog with Dan, they were dramatically running looking for Pokemon- here and there. Phil's radar picked up a signal, a block away but Dan wanted to stay at the store that had Anime merch. It was a new store and there was a huge grand opening sale, Dan was one of the first to enter and he did not want to wait the line outside- to just be able to enter the store.

"Come on, Phil. Just 15 more minutes?" Dan begged Phil Lester, making Bambi eyes like a kindergartener. He was clutching an Attack on Titan poster, hat, and well- he was carrying more then enough.

The line was long and Phil didn't the vibe the store was giving him. He wanted to get outside and breath fresh air- not this weird smell.

"Fine then, let's meet up later," Phil says a little too mad, mental noting himself to cut that out of the camera.
He thought he saw a flash of hurt- on Dan's face, but then Dan agreed and said he'd call him once he's paid.

Half an hour later, Dan was already long ago done with the store, with each hand carrying a overfilled bag, he made his way outside. He reached into his pocket to find is phone,

It wasn't there.

Phil was repeatedly calling Dan, worrying about his best friend. He had caught the Pokemon- but now he was regretting the decision of leaving Dan.

He had returned to the street Dan is supposed to be on but it was so crowded.
Human bodies covered the small space of asphalt, blocking roads to incoming cars. He tried calling out Dans name but it was too loud. The screaming, yelling, honking of vehicles, stopped any way of Phil calling out to Dan.

Meanwhile Dan was panicking. People everwhere. It made him sick and too afraid too leave or go anywhere. He could always try asking a phone, or using a public one, but he didn't remember seeing a public one anywhere and no one would listen to him.

"Sir can I borrow your phone?"
No response.
"Mam may I borrow a phone? I need to find my friend."
The lady took one look at Dan and just shook her head and hurried away.

Great. Just great.
How am I supposed to catch my Pokemon now?

Okay, okay. Don't panic. He was trying to calm himself.

Breath, Dan Howell. Breath.

He carefully counted to 10 and calmly- maddeningly- tried to think of ways to contact Phil. Should he make his way to the small park Phil was heading to? Or should he stay.

Maybe I should continue asking for a phone.
But then I would be judged and glared at.
Maybe I could ask the anime store?
Maybe I'll just be annoying them, they seemed really crowded. Ugh.
I'm such an annoyance.
I was probably annoying Phil.
Maybe that's why I can't find him.
Fate wants me punished for being selfish.

So many people. The heat was insane.

Can't think straight. Can't think straight. Can't straight.

dan and phil // one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now