forty one

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"She realized that the moon would still come around, and she would forever be in love with it, but she had to move on. She took a liking to the sun, the beautiful thing that rose every morning, the thing she saw on a daily basis with no hesitation.

"Yet, she was still conflicted over the moon. She loved the moon very much so, but it had caused her so much pain that she began to despise it. The sun, on the other hand, gave her joy, but not as much as the moon did.

"She knew that the sun wouldn't cause her pain, what's so ever. And she realized that the sun is probably the safest choice. Yet, the moon was still on her mind. The moon was dark, and could be so hurtful, yet caused the girl so much happiness and bliss.

"She didn't know what to do."

"So let me guess," Ally put the laptop down, leaning forward. "Camila is the moon, and Vero is the sun?"

I sighed and took a sip of my coffee, "I don't know."

"I think you do know," Ally said. "I just think you don't want to choose."

I shrugged my shoulders and looked out of the window, "Maybe. Maybe not."

"At least you'll be happy in the end though, right?" Ally inquired as I turned my head back to her.

"Will I though, Ally? Be happy in the end?"

"You could always get her drunk," Normani suggested. "Like, that usually makes people tell the truth about how they feel."

Again, Normani and Camila sat in the same bar drinking shots.

"Whatever," Camila rolled her eyes. "Have you talked to Dinah yet?"

Normani sighed, drowning a shot, "No."

Camila groaned, "Why not? You two are destined to be together."

"Like you and Y/N," Normani retorted with a scoff. "No, but, I don't know. I'm just giving her space."

"She loves you, Mani," Camila responded. "Zendaya even knew that and she was marrying Dinah."

"Don't even," Normani groaned. "I feel so bad and horrible about it all. I basically ruined their wedding by showing up."

"Good," Camila scowled. "Because those two together do not look right. It's you and Dinah, okay?"

"And it's you and Y/N,"

Camila knocked on Ally's door, it swinging open and revealing her and Ethan.

"Oh, hey, Camila," Ally smiled. "Come in."

"Hey Als," Camila looked down at Ethan. "Hey little man, you're everywhere, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Ally murmured. "Since Y/N is busy with her book, I decided to babysit Ethan for a day. I gotta go into work in an hour though, so Vero is on her way."

"Wait -- " Camila paused as she followed Ally into the kitchen. "Y/N is working on her second book?"

Ally nodded, "Yeah. Don't tell her I told you, though. I wasn't suppose to mention it."

Camila sighed as she sat down, "Okay. Am I in it?"

Ally glanced at Ethan to see him reaching for a bottle of water, which she got and gave it to him, "Yeah. That's all I can say, no more."

Camila nodded, eyes trained on the counter, "Okay. But is Vero in it?"

"Camila," Ally said in a warning tone.

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