After we were done skating, we went and got frozen yogurt. I beat Chris to the cash register and paid. 

"Isabell! I'm supposed to pay," he says.

"Nope you already paid for the ice skates," I say, crossing my arms.

"But Isab-" he starts. I cover his mouth with my hand and take my change from the cashier.

"No buts," I say.

"You guys are a cute couple," she says with a smile.

"Oh we're not dating," Chris and I say in unison.

"Oh sorry," she says laughing.

We go sit down and eat at a table. 

"By the way, Violet wants you to baby sit her again. Before you, she had Lindsay as her baby sitter," he says. I nod, "you seem to get along with her well, unlike Lindsay. " He paused before continuing, "I never understand why Violet doesn't like Lindsay," he continues. "But I love my sister and whatever she wants comes first. "

"I love kids. I'll be happy to baby sit Violet again," I chirp happily.

He gives me a small smile and nods.

I've always wanted a little sister to do hair with and talk about girly things. Violet is like that sister I never had. Heck I only have like two girl cousins, which are twins and are 1 month old. There's way too many boys in this family.

Colton Michael Winchester

My baby sister wasn't back from her not date yet. It's 5:15. Fifteen minutes late. I glance at the clock anxiously. I swear if Chris hurts her, hands will be thrown. 

Me: Iz, where are you? Your late

Iz: You're** & I'm coming back. Calm your horses. There was traffic. 

Me: your 15 minutes late!

Iz: You're ***,  sometimes you're out all night partying! Stop  Colton

Me: That's different

Iz: how?

I sigh throwing my phone on my bed. I knew she was right but she doesn't understand. I'm doing this for her own good.

She's my baby sister and I will protect her at all costs. 

Christopher Wild is better off dead.

Isabella Rose Marie Winchester

"I had fun Isabell," Chris said as he pulled up towards my house.

"Me too. I'll see you later Chris, bye!" I get out of the car and wave bye. I walk into the house to face the mad faces of my seven brothers.

Unfortunately, I couldn't escape up the stairs in time. I was grabbed by Luke and sat on the couch.

"Isabella Rose Marie Winchester!" Kael yells. 

Ouch the full full name.

"Yes?" I answer sweetly, batting my eyelashes.

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