tWeNtY sEvEn

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Yep, this seems like the place," I said to the taxi driver when he stopped and I saw Niall's house out the window. I pulled out the right amount of money from my wallet and handed it to the driver. "Thank you."

I got out of the car and took my bags out from the trunk, then walked slowly to Niall's house. I was still angry, but for some reason, I felt a hint of anxiety. Maybe because I haven't been here in over a year. Maybe because I came unexpectedly and I don't feel welcomed. Nonetheless, the deed needs to be done, which is why I came here. I needed to take Louis out of Niall's love life and had to replace him with me.

My hands started to shake as I rang the doorbell. I got even more nervous when I heard the door unlock, but I shook it off and didn't let my facial expressions show it.

The door opened to Niall's pale face and gorgeous baby blues. "Zayn!" he yelled in joy when he looked up and saw me.

He opened out his arms and came forward to hug me, but I stopped him by putting my hand roughly against his chest. "Where's Louis?"

"Zayn, I can explain."

"Just tell me where he is!"

Niall put his hands to his sides and looked down. "In the living room."

I walked right past Niall and ran to the living room, finding Louis lounging on the couch as if it were his own home. He looked over and found my enraged eyes burning holes through his head.

"Oh, hello, Zayn! Haven't seen you in forever!" Louis exclaimed, fake as ever.

"Shut your fucking mouth hole. I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget, you son of a bitch," I growled, cracking my knuckles.

"Zayn, stop!" I heard Niall scream from behind me.

"Niall?" I questioned.

"Zayn, you can't hurt Louis. I love him too much for you to put him through all that."

iT's YoU (z.h)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant