TwEnTy TwO

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Zayn's P.O.V.

I decided that enough was enough, and that I needed to call Niall and tell him to tell me what's going on, because this shit is really shady and it's really scaring me. Like, really scaring me.

I took my phone out of the pocket of my grey sweatpants and took out Niall's contact. I pressed the phone icon, and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello! You've reached the voicemail box of Niall Horan. I'm not available, so—" I cut off the answering machine by angrily pressing the red button with a phone in it.

Why the fuck would he not answer my call? He always answers my calls!

If he's at the club, getting drunk, I'll kill him.

I pulled out my messages with Niall and sent him a quick text.

Me: ur getting it from me later

Niall's P.O.V.

I was having an intense make out session with Louis, that included bum pinching and crotch grabbing, when my phone went off.

I pulled away from the kiss and stretched my arm out to grab my phone, but Louis moaned and latched our lips together again.

"Louis, I have to—"

"Mmm, Niall, don't," Louis whimpered against my lips.

I sighed and continued to press my lips gently against Louis', until I heard a soft, muffled snore. I opened my eyes and detached my mouth from Louis', wrapping both of us in the blanket that was previously placed at the end of my bed.

Zayn's P.O.V.

Niall didn't reply to my text. He didn't even read it. I'm starting to get really worried about him, he's never acted like this before.

Why do you care, Zayn? Nothing probably happened, he's just trying to get away from you. This was probably just a trick.

But for what reason would he trick me?

Revenge, simply and only for revenge.

Revenge for what? I've done nothing wrong.

Yes you have, you left One Direction to become a soloist.

But he seemed totally fine with everything that I was doing when he came over. In fact, he seemed very happy for me.

Oh please, Zayn, why do you think Niall is so good at pranking? It's because he's such a good actor!

Maybe he really doesn't care. Maybe this is all just a game, a facade, a lie. Maybe I should just let this go. Let him go.

Niall's P.O.V.

I woke up at about eleven in the morning, and since Louis was still asleep, I left the bedroom so that I could call back the person that called me last night. Curious as to know who called, I pressed my home button and saw that it was Zayn, along with a text from him.

Zaynie: ur getting it from me later

Oh, Zaynie, you're hilarious, I thought, chuckling to myself. I took out his contact and pressed the phone icon next to his number.

He must be sleeping, I thought when he didn't answer. Oh well, I'll just send him a text.

Me: Hey Zayn ! Sorry I didn't answer your call, I was busy . I just called you right now, but you didn't answer, so I think you're asleep. Call me when you wake up, okay?

I ambled into the kitchen and started to make scrambled eggs for Louis and myself, along with thinking about what to do today.

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