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Zayn's P.O.V.

It was the day before Niall's flight back to England, and I was very upset. But, at the same time, I was relieved. I mean, I might have a 'crush' on him, but maybe I only think about him like that because he's been around me so much lately. Maybe when he's gone, I'll get over it and find a loyal lady to love.

By the by, I decided to invite Niall over my house, because even if I did have some mixed feelings about him, we were still friends. Best friends. And I need to spend all the time I have with him.

Me: hey nialler ! wanna come over b4 u leave tmrw ?

I almost immediately received a text back from him.


Irish Slut: Of course I'd like to come over mate . I'll see you at what time ?


Me: n u can come anytime u want , even rite now would b fine

Irish Slut: Okay so I'll see you in an hour ?

Me: works for me

Irish Slut: See you then, Zaynie ✌️

I rolled my eyes at the nickname and put my phone away, trying to clean up the place a bit. Normally, if I had a friend come over, I'd let my whole place be a total mess, but Niall? No way. I knew he wouldn't be able to bear the clutter, neither would I let him. After all, Niall is a total clean freak and starts to organize all the shelfs in your bedroom if they're out of place.


"How does a movie sound, Nialler?" I asked, walking over to the cabinet that's full of DVD's.

"Sure, Zaynie, sounds good."

I opened the cabinet and eyed down the dozens of movies I had. "What kind of movie are you thinking about watching?"

"Whatever you want to watch, I'm down for anything."

My eyes caught a particular black DVD cover with red writing and a girl sleeping. I picked it up and turned around to face Niall, showing him the DVD with a smirk on my face. "How about Paranormal Activity 4?"

Niall's eyes suddenly widened. Those big, beautiful, baby blues that I was falling for were filled with worry and fear. "Zayn, you know how I feel about horror movies."

"Oh please, Niall! For me? I know that you would never watch scary movies with us when we were on tour, but seriously, it's just you and me here. You know that I'd never make fun of you for being afraid of a few scenes. And honestly, I don't blame you. I hate to admit it, but I get scared sometimes too."

Niall's eyes went back to normal size as he sighed, looking away from me. "Fine, Malik, but I'm only doing this for you." He ambled to the sofas, but stopped in his tracks. "You're a shit head, by the way."

I chucked. "Same to you, Horan."

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