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Zayn's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to see sunlight seeping through the shaded window. Groaning, I pulled the blanket over my head, when I felt a tight tug on it. I turned to my right to see Niall snoring away, his floppy blond hair sticking to his forehead. I smiled, caressing his face as he made cute faces. I could just imagine myself waking up to this hottie sleeping everyday. If I was in a relationship with Niall, I'd probably kiss him every second of the day.

Niall furrowed his eyebrows, then his eyes opened to my hand on his face.

"Good morning, beautiful," I whispered, then gently kissed him on the lips.

It wasn't until Niall froze completely that I realized what I had done. Shit, looks like I was still stuck in dream world. How the fuck am I supposed to explain myself?

"Erm, Zayn?" Niall asked, still confused as to what the hell was going on.

"I'm so sorry, Niall, I don't know why I just did that." I tried to think of an excuse, and I finally got one. "I thought you were Gigi for a second."

"Oh, okay," Niall said, embarrassed, and sat up on the bed. "What time is it?"

I turned my head to look at my night stand and glanced at my alarm clock that flashed red numbers. "Quarter past nine, why?"

"Shit! My flight is at one! I should get to my hotel room!" Niall yelled as he hastily pushed the covers away and got out of bed.

"Can I come with?"

"Sure, why not?"

Niall's P.O.V.

Zayn and I ran to my hotel room, not wasting any time. We got inside and I collected all my things that were randomly placed around the room and put them on the bed.

As I was packing, I couldn't help but feel Zayn's eyes all over my body. What has gotten into him? First, he kissed me when I woke up, and now, he's staring me up and down. What the hell is that about?

Maybe he misses having a girlfriend, but to look at me like that? I'm a guy, so where does he find a girlfriend in me? As far as I know, Zayn isn't gay. Not that I'd have a problem with him being gay, but I know that he never could be. He checks out way too many girls, and he's never looked at a guy in that way. But there's a possibility that he just realized that he's bi.

"Hey, Ni, you got a text!" Zayn called out from the other side of the room, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Pass it to me, please."

Zayn threw my phone in my direction, and thankfully, I caught it. I pressed the home button, which revealed a text from my old pal, Louis.

Tommo: Hey, are you in L.A. ?

Me: Yeah, but my flight is today .

Tommo: Come see me whenever you can.. We need to talk .

We need to talk? About what? Probably about Zayn, I hope he's not mad though, because he sounds a bit like it to me.

Me: Sure, Lou . See you then .

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