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Niall's P.O.V.

It was three in the morning here, and I wasn't able to fall asleep, so why not browse the Internet on my phone? I kept on scrolling until something interesting caught my eye.

The title of the article that came across on my phone was "ZAYN AND GIGI BREAK UP AFTER 7 MONTHS!" I never really liked Gigi Hadid being with Zayn to be honest. Yes, she's quite beautiful, but I always thought that Zayn and Perrie would be together. After all, they were engaged for so long. I thought they would get married after Zayn left One Direction, but he just broke up with her. By the by, I think I should cheer Zayn up a bit. After all, I've been waiting over a year for an excuse to see him.

Zayn's P.O.V.

Some people are crazy. They just don't know when too much is enough. Just like Gigi, I mean, she's so clingy. I'm glad that we finally broke up, or else I don't know what I'd do. I practically couldn't breathe in a relationship with her. Now, I'm living the life of a free man, and I couldn't think of anything better.

I walked over to my bedroom and kneeled down to my nightstand. My hands immediately went to the knob of the lowest drawer, the one that held a picture of us. I've had this picture of all five of us from the X-Factor, and it has never crossed my mind to throw it out. What really is a shame is that none of them give a damn about me and refuse to talk to me. I try to act like I don't care, but really, it hurts deep down. But I could never let anyone know that. Anyone.

Niall's P.O.V.

I closed my laptop and set it aside, picking up my phone and pulling out my text messages with Dad.

Me: Hey . Just wanted to let ya know that I'm going to L.A. in 2 weeks . Thought I'd like to see an old friend performing live in concert .

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