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Niall's P.O.V.

I finally got out of the airport and jumped into a taxi, getting to the hotel where I was staying. It was seven in the morning, so I thought I'd get some rest before the concert, which was in the evening.


I heard a familiar sound of a duck, one that I miserably wake up to every morning.

"Fucking hell," I muttered as I grabbed my phone and turned off the horrid sound. Currently, the time was five in the afternoon, and since I had time and felt disgusting, I decided to take a shower.

Usually, I wasn't the one to care too much about what I looked like, but I wanted to look good. Really good. I didn't have a crush on Zayn, and I didn't want to look better than him, I just didn't want to show up looking like rubbish. So, after my shower, I took out a dark blue button-up short-sleeved shirt with ivory-colored elephants on it, a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, and black boots.

"Good enough," I said to myself as I stood in front of the mirror of the dresser. Seeing my phone on charge, I unplugged it and pulled out the Twitter app.

@NiallOfficial: About to see an old friend in concert . Excitement blowing off the rooftop .

That'll surely get a few fans talking, I thought as I shoved my phone in my back pocket and headed out the door.


I finally arrived at the venue and quietly took my seat, trying to avoid as much attention as I could. I was minding my own business when all of a sudden I heard the shrieking of a young girl.

"Oh my gosh! Are you Niall Horan?" the girl asked as she came up to me. I noticed her green eyes and immediately thought of Harry.

"Yes," I chuckled. "But please, keep it down. I wouldn't want a bunch of other girls tackling me when it's not even my concert."

"Sure, anything for you!" She slowly pulled out her phone and opened up her camera. "Do you mind if I get a selfie with you?"

"Not at all."

After the girl got her picture, she thanked me and giddily ran to her seat.

A few moments later, Zayn came up on stage and I pulled my hat lower, hoping he wouldn't notice me. I really wanted to surprise him with my backstage pass. He started with saying a few words to the fans and thanking them, and finally he started singing. The first song he sang was the only one that I could recognize, "PILLOWTALK," which I'm sure many people could easily recognize as well. 

"I looked at it like a blessing, and now it's just a curse. I don't know why, I don't know why. It's you, it's you," Zayn softly sang into the microphone, warming my heart. Out of all the songs that he sang tonight, this one was definitely my favorite. I don't know what it is, it just makes me feel a certain way. 

"Thank you all for coming out tonight! I really appreciate your love and support, and I hope you enjoyed the concert! Have a good night, everyone!" Zayn said, then disappeared. It was then that I realized that it was time. Time to finally talk to Zayn. Time to feel his presence around me. Time to find out if we'll ever be friends again.

I dragged my feet across the floor and entered backstage, where I found Zayn standing near a snack table, drinking a glass of water.

"Hello, Zayn. Nice to see you after so long."

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