tWeNtY fIvE

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Zayn's P.O.V.

Rage and jealousy built up in me when I opened up Niall's story and saw Louis at the beach. It angered me even more when I heard Niall's clear, loud laughs.

Niall never went to the beach with me. Niall never had this much fun with me. Oh, does he like Louis better now? Does he want to leave me to be closer to Louis now? Fine, Niall, have it your way.

I picked up my phone and decided to let Niall have some.

Me: so ur at the beach ?

Within a few seconds, I got a reply.

Irish Slut: Yeah, why ?

Me: nothing

Me: so

Me: ur with louis rn ?

Irish Slut: Yeah .

Me: ok

Me: call me when ur alone

Irish Slut: Will do .

Oh Niall, you poor, poor motherfucker. You don't even know what's coming your way.

Niall's P.O.V.

After dinner, I followed Louis to my bedroom, as he was so tired that he almost dropped his face in his plate.

"Nighty night, Niall," Louis said as he wrapped the white blanket around him in my bed.

"Good night, BooBear," I responded as I headed out the door.

"Wait, Niall!"

I stopped in my tracks. "Yes, Louis?"

"You aren't going to sleep with me?"

"Um, no . . . I have some things to do." I know, horrible excuse, but it was the best thing I could think of.

"But I thought you said you were tired."

"I-I am, but—"

"But what? You can do it tomorrow. Come here instead."

I sighed as I stepped back into the bedroom and laid down on the bed.

"Good night, Niall."

"Night, Louis."

Zayn's P.O.V.

From my calculations, it was around three in the morning in England, which confused me. Niall should've called me a while ago.

He probably fell asleep, Zayn, you don't have to be a bitch about it.

But what if he's still with that bastard Louis? God, I'm gonna choke the shit out of that fucker once I get my hands on him.

The real question is, why did he not call? Whatever the case is, he might be hurt. And if that's it, then I'd never be able to live with myself, knowing that I was mad at him while it wasn't even his fault.

I decided to call him, just to make sure he's okay.

After four rings, he picked up. "Hello? Niall? Are you okay? You never called so I decided to call you."

I heard some high pitched chuckles, which definitely did not sound like Niall. "Hello, Zayn."

Louis, you fucking son of a bitch.

"Louis, what the fuck are you doing with Niall's phone? Give it to him right now or I'll break your eardrums through this phone."

"Oh, I would, Zaynie, but my little Nialler is asleep."

If I wasn't mad enough, the words 'my little Nialler' set me to the roof. "Why are you even with him anyways?"

I heard some more low evil laughs. "Did he not tell you?"

At this point, I was angry, confused, and worried all at once. "What, Louis? What did he not tell me?"

"That he and I are dating, and if you have a problem about it, you'll just have to come to England and solve it."

I furiously hit the red circle on my screen, ending the call.

If you want to play that way, Louis Tomlinson, that's how we'll play it.

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