13. Let's Be Friends.

Start from the beginning

"Who the hell are you?" I repeated myself with a more hard tone this time.

"I'm Joshua Lance but all of my friends called me Josh," he presented himself at last and I immediately remembered who he was. He formed part of the football team and from what I heard about him, he was one of the best but I could not care less about that.

"Well Joshua," I used his full name so that it was clear to him that we were not friends, "What do you want from me?"

"Friendship," was his reply surprisingly and I frowned. Did he not have friends already? What, the football team was not enough now?

"Sorry but you won't find any friends at this table," I informed him and he smirked.

"Challenge accepted," he said and that only confused me.

"What challenge?" I questioned.

"The challenge of making you my new best friend," he replied confidently and I stared at him in disbelief.

Was it some sort of joke? A prank? Or maybe a bet that he made with his friends to fool me? I seriously did not know. For numerous times people have fooled me into thinking that they wanted me to be their friend and that they did not care that I was gay nor what other people would think about them. At first, I believed those people but I learnt in a hard way that it was all fake so now I did not fall for this type of crap so easily. Whatever this guy's game was, I did not have time for him.

"Listen, I don't know if I am a sort of game for you or something but I don't have time for your shit so if you don't want me to break your face just go away," I told him with a hard look and he chuckled.

"Do you really think that you are strong enough to beat me?" he asked.

"Well, judging from your black eye, there are some people out there strong enough to beat you so try me and you will see what happens," I replied. I did not care if he formed part of the football team or not, I would not let him play with me. He let out a nervous laugh.

"I am being honest with you," he said, rubbing the back of his neck, "I want you to be my friend. I have no back thought, I swear."

I raised one eyebrow at him.

"Why should I even believe you?" I questioned him, "Why would a guy like you want to be friend with a guy like me? It does not make any sense and looks kind of suspicious to me."

"We are not so different you and I," he said and I had to contain a laugh, "I can make your life less lonely so let's be friends, Declan."

"Sorry but I don't need your friendship, I'm good," I told him and he folded his arms.

"You are always sitting alone so having some company will be good I think," he said, "It's a really lonely table if you ask me."

"I only want one person's company and that person you are preventing me from looking him so now go away," I told him once again and he frowned before quickly glancing back. It did not take long before he chuckled and looked back at me.

"Pierre Lois? Seriously?" he laughed, "That's the type of guy that you are interested in."

I frowned.

"How did you know that it was Pierre that I was talking about?" I asked him. I could have been talking about anyone else but he immediately guessed that it was Pierre. 

"It is an easy guess," he said with a shrug, "From what I heard around, you kissed him and then kidnapped him yesterday after church."

"I did not kidnap him," I protested immediately, giving him an incredulous look, "Who told you that crap?"

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