She came back

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Just by hearing the voice,Lucy knew who it was. She also knew it was do as she says or die.

"Your little Natsu was stupid to leave you. But he'll be back." "Lisanna...why are you doing this. Your better." "Gee,you really are dumb. But why,you ask? Because you took my Natsu!!" "I didn't take anything from you!" "Yes you did! Don't act so dumb!" "Did you ever stop to think maybe it was you?!"

"NO! Natsu and I were happy! Until you came along." "But what did I do?!" "Just shut up!" She tightened her grip on the knife and Lucy froze in horror.

Just then,there was a loud bang on the door. "Ah! That must be him!" Lisanna put the knife in the belt loop of her pants and opened the door. There stood a raged Natsu. "Hi honey!" Lisanna said winking . "I didn't come here to play games! Where's Lucy?!"

"Natsu,calm down! Everything's fine!" He gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes at her. "Out of my way!" He pushed her and went to Lucy.

Lisanna slowly got up. "Oh,now you've made me mad." She pulled out the knife and charged at Natsu. He dodged,hands lighting up with fire. "Natsu,I thought you loved me!" "I did at one point!" He threw fire,but she dodged it. "What happened?! Why'd you stop?!" "Lisanna,you've got issues! And I couldn't be with you at the time!"

"The only reason I've got 'issues' is because you left me! For HER!!" "Lisanna,just stop and leave us alone!" "Fine. It's getting late anyway." She walked out,leaving Natsu and Lucy stunned.

"Huh. I didn't think that would work." He turned around to see Lucy with a sad expression. "Why can't she just leave us alone?" "She left,Luce." "But she'll be back. I know it." "Even if she is,I'll be right here."

She looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you." "Anytime. Now,you should get some sleep." She nodded and went to off to bed.


Lisanna went back to Bickslow's,and was now in the guest bedroom,plotting.

'Hmm. I'm pretty sure Natsu will be by Lucy all the time now. So that won't work. There's gotta be another way......I've got it! This'll work like a charm! And Natsu will finally be mine again!' Her thoughts were interrupted when Bickslow came in.

"I ordered Chinese. Want some?" "Sure." "Okay,it's on the table." "What?! I thought you were gonna get it for me!" "You got legs." She grinned. "Fine." 'I love it when he treats me like tha- WHOA LISANNA! What are you thinking?!'

Her eyes were wide and she was blushing and sweating. Bickslow looked over and gave her a 'you okay?' Look. She nodded,grabbed the food,and ran back to the room.

"I can't be falling for Bickslow! I've got a mission!" She thought of Natsu and sighed. "Ah,that's better." She sat down on the bed and ate her food. Eventually,she fell fast asleep.

Then,Bickslow knocked on the door. "Lis?....Lisanna?" He slowly opened the door. When he saw her,he lowered his eyelids and smiled. 'So beautiful.' He then closed the door.

OMG THIS CHAPTER IS SO SHORT!! And after I promised longer chapters 😞please forgive me. I already wrote it all down on paper and I forgot I made it short.

Anyway,vote,comment,all that good stuff. I love to get feedback and answer it 😊. Sayonara little chipmunks!💖💖

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