9. House of Dicks - Literally

Depuis le début

We were getting carried away and our shirts were somewhere on the floor, I love him so much, but I just wasn't ready for this.

"Emery?" I asked between gasps, his lips never left my skins, kisses trailing along my jaw down my neck to my collarbone. I gasped again as he found my soft spot, I can feel him smiling against my skin as he continue to suck there. I suddenly forgot what I was about to say when the door burst open.

We both jumped off each other me clutching a pillow to my chest. Raven was standing at my door trying not to laugh.

"What?" I was scowling at him, he ruined a really good moment, even if it was headed somewhere I didn't want it to.

"Um, dinner's ready, but don't worry I'll tell them you're...busy..." I threw the pillow at him, then I suddenly realized I was topless, but before him or I can react; Emery was in front of him pushing him out and slamming the door in his face.

I laugh and get up while covering my chest. I walk to my closet to see it is just as I left it. I still had my jeans thrown over my chair and my extra make up lying across my desk. I fixed my bra, considering two of the three notches were undone, and an over size T-shirt then walk out pulling Emery, now dressed with me.

We walk to the dining room and everyone is already sitting leaving my spot and the one on the left empty for Emery.

"What took you two so long?" Asks Raven with a playful smirk. I just walk past him and smack his head then continue on to my seat.

"So what's for dinner?"

"We're having chicken noodle soup with thing crust pizza and garlic bread" Mimi answers just as Shookie - the chef - brings out our food. Funny how only me and Emery and Avi and Caleb were the only one's not to eat the garlic bread, the other boys gladly helped themselves to seconds.

"Sweetie, the army sergeant called; said the funeral will be held in 3 days at the local army cemetery. And we still haven't heard from your parents. I'm sorry" Mimi kissed me and Avi on the head and left us in peace.

It was the quietest dinner we have ever had.


Three days later...

The past three days have gone by in a blur. The boys knew to stay out of our way and Emery was there when I needed a hug.

I was pretty crazy snapping at everyone and running up my parent's phone bill trying to reach them. No success.

It's the morning of the funeral and I'm lying on my bed in my black knee length dress. Pain, numbness, depression; everything I'm feeling now.

There's a knock at the door and Emery walks in.

"Hey Babe, it's time to go"

I numbly get up and fix my dress; the reality is suddenly dawning on me of Derek's death.

I walk over to him and he kisses my head leading me to the limo outside. Ironically as we were driving, it started to rain. I stared aimlessly as the rain drops collided with the window.

We past the stone boulders marking the entry of the cemetery - G-d I hate this place, it's so creepy. I keep thinking zombies are going to walk out of the trees and grab me. That's something Derek would say... Oh G-d. I started crying again as Emery rubbed my back soothingly.

I looked to where people now gathered and I saw Jeremy, Derek's best friend. They were complete twins; from their body appearance to their personality. They dated identical twins once, that didn't end up to good... I yanked out of Emery's grasp and ran to him. Rain mixed with salty tears poured down my face as I yelled at him.

House of Dicks - Literally [Rough Draft Complete]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant