1- A Friendly Sock Thief

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Thanksgiving in Canada is in OCTOBER not November. It's three weeks before Halloween. Just in case I have any States readers.

Chapter One:

A Friendly Sock Theif:

"Well I know what I don't want to be when I graduate," Quinn said loudly in my ear as she was knocked sideways into me slightly in the crowded hallway. "I am never going to be a scientist."

"One failed test is not going to make that much of a difference on your grade," I said to keep things positive. I elbowed my way through one of those huge annoying crowds of people to get to my locker.

"Yeah one wont," Quinn agreed. "I'm at a 58 right now, barely. My parents are so going to kill me," she said with an exasperated sigh. I exchanged the books in my bag for the ones I would need for homework tonight.

"I thought you were at a 65?" I asked. I closed my locker shut and slid the lock into place.

"Yeah like last week," Quinn said waving her had dismissively.

"How did you drop that much?" I asked. We had only handed in one assignment in between then and now.

"Um...I may not have done the homework," Quinn said sheepishly as we made our way through the hall to her locker.

"Quinn, it was like a cut and paste project! It's the simplest thing ever!" I told her. She pushed some guy out of her way rudely as he was blocking her path.

"Well, you see..." Cue the excuse. "This weekend I had a bunch of the family over for Thanksgiving, and there were a lot of cousins running around and I couldn't just stop and do the homework..."

"You couldn't have spent the two minutes on the project like everyone else?" I asked. We had the easiest science teacher in the world of science teachers.

"You're such a goodie two shoes Bridgey," Quinn said. "Who even assigns homework over Thanksgiving anyways? It's a holiday. That translates into no homework."

She opened her locker and flipped her backpack upside down causing all the books and papers to crumple to the bottom.

"Aren't you going to need some of those?" I asked her pointing to the mountain of crinkled papers.

"Probably," she replied simply. She closed her locker after making sure she had phone and keys. "Oh god, look," she said gripping my arm. Her eyes were glued somewhere behind me. "There he is."

I glanced behind me even though I didn't need to. Garret Connors was standing behind me talking and laughing way too loudly with some of his basketball teammates.

Quinn had liked him for years. Personally, I didn't see what was so special, but Quinn was obsessed with the guy. From where I was standing, he just looked like any other stuck up jock whose main goal in life was to make others feel inferior. I didn't hate him, I just didn't particularly like him, is all.

"Yup there he is," I agreed.

"He is so gorgeous," Quinn continued like she hadn't heard me. I don't see what makes him 'so gorgeous'. He was really tall, so he was on the basketball team and he had these huge eyes that kind of reminded me of a bug's. Plus he had the whole I-haven't-cut-my-hair-in-forever-because-I-am-that-cool look going on. His hair wasn't long, but the dude had pretty long bangs.

"Whatever you say," I said to humour her. "Come on let's go." I tugged on her arm to try and get her to stop staring at the poor tall freak. 

Quinn sighed but she did move to follow me. "Don't you think he's gorgeous? He's so tall," she gushed. "And he's so good at basketball." I was used to this by now. It happened almost every day where Quinn was concerned.

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