26- Pigs Now Fly

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Notice when Bridget calls Garrett, 'Gare' and 'Garrett'. That will explain how she's feeling...which changes every couple of lines. 

This is another two part chapter. 

Oh and what cover? The old white one, the black one on the side, or the new pink one?

Chapter Twenty Six:

Pigs Now Fly:

“Morning Elder sister. Are you feeling better after the recent incidents?” Alice asked. I stopped and looked at her. She forced a smile upon her lips as she ate her perfectly spread cream cheese bagel. Dad had had another early meeting so I know that he didn’t make it for her, and Mom hadn’t come downstairs yet.

“Uh, morning Alice,” I said. She was acting weird again.

“You never answered me, Elder Sister. Are you feeling better? Have you shed any more tears since that dreadful night?” Alice pressed.

“Uh…no… I haven’t?” I answered unsteadily. It was a lie but I wasn’t about to tell my little sister, who was acting creepy, that I had cried again since Tuesday.

“Well that is good to hear, but I know you are telling fables.” Fables? Did my six year old sisterjust use the word ‘fable’? I didn’t think she had ever heard the word, let alone know how to use it. How would she even know what it means? And since when does she know when I’m lying? She’s six! She doesn’t know the difference!

Maybe it’s something she heard off of a TV show when my parents or I were watching something. That has to be it. There’s no way Alice is capable of using such weird, big words. It was just a fluke.

 “Would it be such an atrocity to tell me the truth?” Alice asked meeting my eyes easily. Oh my god, look! Pigs are flying. Alice has used the words ‘incident’, ‘dreadful’, ‘fable’ and ‘atrocity’.

“Er…I…” I trialed off. “I need to eat something,” I decided. I laid the back of my hand over my forehead and noted that no, I was not burning up with a fever. I was very clearly just going crazy.

Mom came in then and walked past me to the coffee maker. “Hello girls,” she said.

I crossed the kitchen to Mom as Alice spoke. “Hello Mother isn’t it a wonderful day?”

“Yes honey it is. Isn’t the way the frost sparkles in the grass just so pretty?” Mom asked her. She was looking out the window and admiring the thin layer of frost that covered everything. It might not snow this year, but that doesn’t mean there can't still be frost.

“It is absolutely divine,” Alice agreed. Oh god. Divine?

“Mom, do you think Alice is acting weird?” I whispered in Mom’s ear.

“No why would you say that? She's perfectly fine.” We both glanced at Alice and she gave us a forced smile. I also noticed that she was still and that her Barbies were missing from the table.

I nodded. I remember when I asked Dad the other day, he hadn’t noticed anything. So it was just me who saw it.

Garrett also saw it. There was that day, the first day Alice had been acting weird, I had met him behind the shop classes. I had told him how Alice had been acting odd and he said that Maddy was as well. We had said that maybe it was just a phase they were going through.

Maybe it still was. Maybe they had planned out this whole huge elaborate game to play like how they often do with their dolls. It’s unlikely, but it makes sense. Sort of. They could have got our parents in on it so they were just playing along to freak me out.

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