13- Cookie Bribes

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I know its short again but it's a continuation of the last chapter and I have math homework so get over it.

Chapter Thirteen:

Cookie Bribes:

“Beth can I sit here with you guys?” I asked her at lunch. She was sitting at a table with a couple other people I was friendly with.

“Sure, I heard you fought with Quinn this morning,” she said sympathetically. She moved over on the bench to make room for me.

“Yeah, she won't talk to me anymore,” I said with a sigh. I had been texting her and stuff all morning, but she was efficiently ignoring me.

“It was about Garrett’s profile pic, right?” Beth asked. It figures she would know, she was a huge gossip.

“Yeah, she wouldn’t even let me explain,” I said with another long sigh.

“You know, I think it’s cool that you guys are secretly dating. You and Garrett I mean,” another girl Tori said.

“We’re not,” I told her.

“But you guys looked pretty cozy in the picture,” she pressed.

“I fell,” I said rolling my eyes.

The girl’s eyes across from me, Karen, lit up. “Oh yeah, you fell,” she said stressing that word. “I wish I could fall like that too.”

“Seriously, it was nothing,” I said. But I knew my attempts were futile.

“What did he say when he saw you in the bikini?” Beth asked.

“The usual,” I said. But then I realized my mistake. The three girls squealed and started asking questions all at once.

“Do you guys go swimming lots?”

“Was it a date?”

“What’s the usual?”

“I don’t really want to talk about this,” I said shifting in my seat. “I kinda want to take my mind off of it.”

All three girls let out dramatic sighs, but actually stopped pestering me.

Well, at least for like five minute; because as soon as Garrett came into view they started talking about everything me and him. Apparently there were lots of rumours going around. One was that we lived together, another was that we had been dating a while, and another was that I had begged Garrett to let our relationship go public so that I could claim him as my own.

All I could do in response to the last one was snort and laugh. Like that would actually happen.

“Your cookie,” Garrett said depositing the sugary gooiness onto my half eaten sandwich with a little bow. Tori, Karen and Beth all went silent.

“I wasn’t serious,” I told him as he straightened up. Then he slid onto the bench next to me like it was completely normal.  

“Yeah but a deal is a deal,” he said with a shrug.

“Want some?” I broke off part of the large cookie and held it up to him in offering. “You did pay for it.”

“Nah, keep it.” He suddenly clenched his mouth shut and I knew he was trying hard to refrain from using his nickname for me. I smiled at his sweetness. He knew I wouldn’t appreciate all the attention that would come from that slip up.

“Thank you,” I said. It was a thank you for both the cookie and for him not slipping up, but I’m not sure if he knew that. I could always thank him again later.

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