2- Pretend Dates

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Pic on the side is Bridget, just with slightly darker, blonder hair. Sorry ThaliaGrace3214, I changed it.

Chapter Two:

Pretend Dates:

In the morning I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock. The numbers glowed ‘8:12’ in their little robotic box shape.

Seriously? I’m allowed to sleep in and I wake up just an hour later than I normally do. That sucks. I closed my eyes in attempts to fall back asleep, but I knew it was pointless. Sleep was long gone.

I rolled out of bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Then I grabbed some clean clothes to take a shower.

When I got downstairs Alice was bouncing away in her seat, with Barbie and Ken laid out in front of her. She alternated stuffing cereal in her mouth, and picking up the dolls to make them move. She was talking to herself quietly as she made her dolls talk.

“Morning cutie,” I said patting the top of Alice’s head. She was always awake early. I don’t know how she did it, but she rose with the sun and stayed up much later than it ever did. Yet she was always filled with energy. Little kids are just gifted that way I guess.

“Hi Bridget!” she chirped.

I shuffled past her to the fridge, muffling a yawn as I went.

“What are you doing today?” I asked Alice as I attempted to locate the orange juice. Sometimes she would tell me what she wanted to do and I would do it with her or take her somewhere else. My really only good friend was Quinn, and she worked on the weekends to pay for her shopping addiction. I didn’t mind, it was fun to hang out with Alice.

“I’m playing with Barbie and Ken all day!” she announced. “They are going to live happily ever after.”

“What about Sam?” I asked I finally located the orange juice at the back of the fridge to find it empty. I turned around and held it up to Alice and she smiled innocently before taking a sip of her full glass or orange juice. I rolled my eyes and turned to the sink to rinse out the jug. Who could stay mad at a six year old? Especially one as cute as my sister.

“Sam doesn’t know yet. Barbie and her couldn’t talk before Sam left.” That made sense, Sam had gone home with Maddy and Garrett.

“Then blame Garrett, he made her leave,” I said. I tossed the jug across the room and it hit the wall before landing in the recycling bin. If Mom saw she would kill me. She was paranoid about excess what bursting out and splattering on the walls. But I did it at least once a week without missing the bin.

“That’s why I’m mad at him,” Alice said with a huge smile on her face. She was about as mad as any kid could get.

I took a cereal bar from the drawer and sat across from Alice.

“Are you mad at Garrett too?” Alice asked seriously. “He took your socks.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes I am very mad at him!” I joked. But it was lost on Alice as she didn’t know the difference from when I was joking and when I was serious.

“Why don’t you go get them back?”

“Apparently his crazy grandmother is visiting. That’s why Maddy had to leave early yesterday,” I told her.

“Do you think she can come over today?” Alice asked excitedly.

“You could ask, but I don’t think so,” I said nicely. It was tough being the bearer of bad news to a little kid.

Alice’s face fell and her hand stilled from where she was braiding Barbie’s hair.

“Aw,” she said like it was the end of the world. I instantly wanted to make things up to her, I hated seeing my little sister sad.

When Barbie Takes OverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora