10- Lost Sweaters

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I know people will be disappointed with this chapter, but just wait a little longer and everything will get better, I promise!!

Chapter Ten:

Lost Sweaters:

I woke up the next morning just after eight thirty. I tried to figure out why I was up so early, it took me until I was getting out of the shower to remember I had gone to bed early, purposely, last night.

I took me another few moments to continue tracing back the events of last night.

I had gone out with Garrett last night for dinner. He said it was a thank you. During the dinner he had ended up getting upset that I wanted to carry on the friendship arrangement we’ve had going for years. It surprised me that he would even consider wanting to do something different.

Then on the way home he had kept me warm with his arm, told me he liked me and kissed me on the road behind my house.

He kissed me.

I paused what I was doing, which had been changing. That couldn’t really have happened. Last night I thought I was hallucinating, now I thought that Garrett had just been teasing, taking the whole ‘date’ joke to an extreme level.

As I headed down stairs, I was still thinking about that kiss. I wasn’t usually the type of girl to dwell on tiny things, but this was just stuck in my head. I couldn’t decide if Garrett had really meant it, or if he had just been teasing. What if he was waiting for me to react so he could just laugh at me like he did the other day when he kissed my cheek?

I decided I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. I wasn’t going to freak out, I wasn’t going to act any differently. I was just going to pretend like nothing happened, because really, nothing did.

Once I was downstairs, I found Alice in the kitchen and decided to put thoughts of last night away.

“Cutie? What are you doing?” I asked her. She was standing at the stove swirling around a plastic spoon while still wearing her purple polka dotted pyjamas.

I came up behind her and saw she was making scrambled eggs.

“I am cooking breakfast. Would you like some elder sister?” she asked in a robotic voice.

“When did you learn to make eggs?” I asked her staring at the slightly yellow mess in the pan then at my little sister.

“It’s quite simple. I would assume it was a talent all people possessed.”

I just gaped at her. “You never answered me. Do you wish to have some of the eggs I am making?”

“Uh…no thanks,” I stammered out.

“That is fine, but they will be delicious,” she promised me, still using the creepy robot voice.

“Why don’t you um…” I thought up of something for her to do that would get her away from the open flame on the stove. “Why don’t you go bring down Ken and Barbie for breakfast?” I suggested when I noticed their absence.

“I am not finished with breakfast, I cannot leave.”

“I’ll finish this up for you. Go get your Barbies,” I said giving her a gentle push towards the kitchen door.

“Only if that is what you want elder sister.” Alice smiled at me, one that looked like she was forcing the corners of lips up in a grimace, and then she left the kitchen.

I finished up Alice’s miracle eggs and were just pouring them into a plate when Alice came back into the room. She gave me an eager smile when she saw the eggs at her spot in the table.

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