Departure of a Friend

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I stumbled into my dorm room, throwing my ankle boots off in the dark. They got stuck at the heel, and so I had to bend down and unzip them to pull them off. I flicked on the light, and threw myself onto my bed, contently sighing. 

I expected Alyssa and Miles wouldn't be home until later in the morning, but then Miles burst through the door. I jumped a little, sitting up when I saw him.

"Hey, Lolly Pop." He stared, noticing me on the bed. I got a good look at the forming bruise in his eye socket. It was green and blue, and swelling up by the minute.

"Oh my gosh, is you're eye alright?" I muttered, running over to my dresser and pulling out the bright red first aid kit. He shook his head slowly, processing words one at a time.

"I'll be fine, I just came to get my things."

"You didn't bring anything, Miles," I tenderly reminded him.


"You know, what you did at the bar, that was a really dumb move. You better never try and pull a stunt like that again." I shook up an instant ice pack from the kit and the tenderly placed it on his eye. Miles held it there, and I let go, leaning against my dresser.

"Yeah, it was stupid and really rude. Sorry."

"Where are you planning on going?" I asked, folding my arms.

"Home," he grinned at the word, his eye blinking stupidly. I smiled.

"Well why don't you sleep here for the night, and then tomorrow we can get you on a plane to Minnesota."

"Nah," he shrugged drunkenly, throwing the ice pack to the floor. He lay down on my bed, snuggling into my pillow. "Kate lives in Ohio."

I smiled even brighter, and turned to respond. But he was already asleep, snoring softly. 

I picked up the ice pack and put it away. Then grabbed one of my pillows he had been using that was slung across the room and laid down on my comforter on the floor, folding half of it over me to keep warm.


"Thanks for doing this again," Miles rubbed his non-bruised eye sleepily. Alex nodded curtly, handing him his plane ticket, he then grabbed my hand and held it tightly, watching like a hawk. Then Miles turned to Jason. "And I'm sorry I ruined your birthday."

Jason shrugged. "To drunk to remember," he sadly responded squinting in the bright airport light. "Next time we're all going to the zoo or something, no alcohol."

Miles bobbed his head slowly. He looked to me. "Thanks for being a great friend, Lolly."

I smiled warmly. "Anytime, Miles. Have a good flight." Alex let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist. Miles sighed, and turned to the gate where security was doing one last check with a metal detector. 

He never looked back, and neither did we.

Alex and I began walking out together, and he whispered, confused. "Lolly?"

"Lolly Pop. It was my brother's nickname for me. Miles was really close to him. They both called me that."

"It's cute, I like it."

"You can use it if you like," I grinned up at him. He kissed me on my temple. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a huddled figure sitting on a uncomfortable plastic seat, her brown hair hiding her face, and I let go of Alex. "I'll be right back." I smiled. He nodded, slowing down to walk out with the guys. I strolled over to where she sat, and sat down next to her.

"Hey, Alyssa. I didn't see you come home last night." I rested my arm comfortingly on her shoulder

"I didn't." She muttered blandly. "After the party was over I went to Stephanie's dorm and stayed the night there."

I scoffed, "Why?"

"Because he kissed you, Lauren. He kissed you, and you didn't even want him to."

She didn't say anything else. I took my hand off of her shoulder and we sat there for a moment. She was jealous. Jealous and hurt, because I got something she had wanted, and I had denied it. 

It was understandable for her to be upset. I tried not to watch her as she choked down sobs.

"I don't get it," she finally whispered, her voice hoarse. I scrunched my face together in confusion and sympathy.


"He didn't even say goodbye to me."

I couldn't say I didn't warn her. He never used to say goodbye to me when I had dropped him of at the airport. I held her in a tight hug, and rested my head on top of hers. Alyssa was a tiny human being, but lately, she seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.

"I'm okay," she smiled through her dampening eyes, shimmying out of my embrace. "I'm just disappointed, but maybe it wasn't meant to be." 

I could tell she was lying for her own benefit. She wasn't alright.

"Alyssa, let's go to Starbucks. We can get lattes and banana bread and talk about Miles for as long as you want," I suggested comfortingly. She brushed the invitation aside and shook her head.

"I really am alright. I'm going to go back to the dorm hall and watch television." She stood up, quickly gathering her things and beginning to walk away. I grabbed her arm, pulling her back toward me.

"No you aren't, and that's okay."

She looked at me with a terrified expression for a second, and then briskly strode out of the airport. Her heels clicking with each step, her body swaying under the weight of her enormous purse. 

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