home is where cereal resides // oneshot 5

Start from the beginning

Phil was starting to panic too.

Oh Dan, where are you now?

Both of them were lost.

So lost.

Especially Dan. He felt lost. Not literally lost. Not just that he couldn't find Phil. But he felt...


Dan just need to find his way back home.
But then Phil would still be lost outside, looking for him.
Who am I without Phil?
He'd make his way back to the flat, but that would be selfish.
He couldn't ditch Phil.
He's the one that found him.
That completed Dan's home.

"Dan! Dan? Is that you?"
Dan swirled around, someone was touching his shoulder.
Well tapping.
He was found Phil, reaching for him through the crowd.
"Phil! There you are!"
Dan smiled in relief.
"Where's your phone? Why didn't you pick up any calls?"
He sounded angry. Those blue eyes were on fire. Cold lethal fire.
"I'm- I'm sorry, I lost it"
Dan was startled from Phil's reaction and stumbled backward.

Then Phil's warm, soft hand grasped his.
"You gotta hold onto me or we both will get lost in this crowd,"

Dan didn't know how to respond.
They both could just meet back up at the flat. Or just make a meeting point away from the over flowing street.

But he liked the way Phil held his hand.
The way he could grip his hand tighter when some people would push and shove them, all trying to get to the fight that broke out at the doors.
Someone was threatening to call 911.

Phil laughed at the thought. Dan imagined the swat team barging into the dark, small building- questioning wether or not the cosplayers were a threat.
Then he grimaced, at the thought if the police would round everyone in the street up. He too tightened Phil's hand.

"Come on," Phil called to him, "let's get out of here before police come,"
Phil could also imagine the worst case scenario of the police locking everyone up.

He and Dan walked a bit quicker then started to run.

Hand in hand, Phil urged Dan to go faster.

"I'm exercising!" Dan attempted to joke, trying to break the strong tension that hung in the air.

Phil laughed a little but was more focused on trying to get out.

Soon they were the only ones in an empty alley. Graffiti sprayed the old, crumbling brick walls, giving the neon paint an aesthetic vibe.

Dan was admiring the scene, then Phil interrupted his train of thought.
"Do you just wanna call quit and head back?"
Dan really, wanted to head back, but he felt selfish. So awfully selfish.
But honestly was important.
"I do Phil, I do. But if you wanna stay out we can." He said as he smiled- but it was sad- but a little hopeful.
"No Dan, I want to head back too," Phil explained, a little flustered from the whole situation.

They were still holding hands when they walked back silently to the flat.

"Yeah Dan?"
"I'm sorry, it's all my fault."
Awkward silence.
Phil sighed, "no Dan it's not your fault."
"But I could have just left."
Dan felt bad and guilty suddenly, and wanted to throw out the two over filled bags.
He suddenly stopped and turned to Phil, letting go of Phil's hand and the 2 bags.

"Am I an annoyance?" He burst.


"Am I an annoyance?"

"Of coarse not, Dan. Why would you ever think that?"

"I don't know it just seems like-"

He stopped, Phil had taken his hands into Dan's.

"Dan, your never an annoyance,"

He was staring right at Dan's eyes now,

"I promise you. You aren't an annoyance. You're my friend."

Dan felt slightly better and stopped looking away from the dusty ground.

"Let's go home."

Right when they reached the flat, hand in hand, well, both there hands held the 2 bags, Dan had started complaint they were heavy and that it was like lifting weights.

Phil paused. He let go of Dan's hand, leaving the anime bag. He pulled out his key and unlocked the door. Before it pushed it open, he paused. The tension was thick and Dan still felt heavy with sadness. And sweat from the heat. But mainly sad thoughts.

Then Phil said...

"Dan, you're only an annoyance when you steal- and eat my cereal,"

"What" Dan had been expecting something serious.

Then Phil went one waving in the air.

"Especially at 3 am in the morning,"

Dan was awestruck.

Phil opened the door and from afar, you could see the stack of cereal boxes on the table. There was defiantly at least fifteen.

"Uh what, thanks Phil?"
Dan was suddenly trying not to laugh and hug Phil.

"Besides, home is where cereal resides!"

He held Dan's hand.

"Home is also where you reside,"

please remember
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//the note at the end; yo wassap this is so long- thank. I hope y'all like this! it was supposed to be something angst but then it turned really *funny* idk but it just turned out like this so I hope you enjoy
someone get me lucky charms I want lucky charms now
oh and I'll pay you 20 if you fill a bowl with the marshmallows (jUST THE MARSHMALLOWS)

dan and phil // one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now