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Clarke's POV

The air is crisp and cold this morning. I walk out to the lake the same lake that poisoned the kids. It is beautiful in the morning when the light shines on it. It was quiet, the perfect time to think and clear your head.
"Peaceful isn't it?" I turned around and saw Cara.
"Yea it is." I said.
"I always come here to think. It's the perfect time of day to think." I giggled. And nodding my head, it was amazing out here and I was I could stay forever. Buy duty calls.
"So you're leaving today?" She asked.
"Yes we have to get back. But I promise to come back." I like it here. It's peaceful but don't get me wrong I love home but sometimes I want peace and quiet.
"Good! I'll be disappointed if you didn't." I smiled.
"Well I must get back to Bellamy and Aurora. See you!" I walked off. I got to the tent there was Bellamy changing Aurora. Completely unaware that I am behind him. So did the obvious thing anyone would do. I scared him. And it was funny even on the walk back I was still laughing.
"Alright it wasn't that funny Clarke!" Looks like someone's upset.
"OK. Your right it wasn't that funny. I'm sorry baby. Can you ever forgive me?" My apology wasn't sincere like it should of been but come on it was a joke.
"Yea! Whatever!" Ohh someone's grumpy today. I catch up with him and wrapped my arm around his waist. We where almost home and I couldn't wait. I missed my bed. Sleeping on the ground is terrible. We're almost there I can almost hear the chatter of people and the smell of smoke.
"So Bell what are we going to do about the ark. It's clear that they don't think we are strong enough to lead." I said walking back made me realize that we have so many problems back there and we just abandoned them.
"We figured something out! But I know we are not going to just sit there and do nothing. And were not talking this out." I stopped and turned in front of him.
"Who said anything about talking. We are fighting for our home. We built this from nothing. And I'm not letting it go that easy." He smirked at me.
"That's my princess." He kissed my head and wrapped his arm, that wasn't holding Aurora, around me. We reached the camp and hear a bunch of commotion from inside. We rushed in to see what was going on. Everyone seemed like they tryna hold someone down. We saw Raven being held back until she saw us. And she came up to me crying.
"Clarke something happened to Finn one minute he was fine then the next he went crazy. They are trying to kill him. You have to stop them please!" Her eyes were filled with sadness.
"Bell! We have to do something." But he was already on it when three shots where fired from his gun.
"ENOUGH! EVERYONE NEEDS TO CALM DOWN! Miller help me take Finn to the drop ship! EVERYONE ELSE GET BACK TO WORK!" His voice boomed everywhere. Is it wrong that I got turned on from that? Everyone scattered around to get back to work. Bellamy handed me screaming Aurora. Poor baby must of scared her when Bellamy was screaming. I gently rocked her as Bellamy and Miller grabbed a struggling Finn. He put up a fight but let's face it between Bellamy and Miller he had no chance. They carried him in and I'm guessing up to the second floor. Where they tortured Lincoln at. I continue to rock Aurora to calm her down but nothing was working. My mom was walking towards me. Oh great just what I needed.
"Clarke here hand me her." She made a grabbing motion for Aurora.
"No! I got it she probably just hungry." I said.
"Clarke its OK. I'll feed her for you." I held her close to my chest while cradling her head.
"Clarke? Are you OK? I just wanna help." She said.
"I don't need your help!" OK I know rude but I really didn't need her help. Not someone who trying to steal my position.
Ohh! Drama! But Omg Finn! Do you think they'll kill him? Clarke's cold shoulder is freezing. Anyway attention Austin and Ally fans and lovers of my stories. I'm writing a new fanfic about A innocent church girl and bass playing bad boy. Who meet and the boy can't get her out of his head. But she doesn't want anything to do with him. So please read that story I got the idea from someone who was doing the same story but only did two chapters. So I'm writing one but don't worry I'll finish this story.

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