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Clarke's POV

I finished sewing Finn up. The bullet didn't move so he didn't bleed internally so it wasn't hard. That wasn't the problem the problem was Raven. When we told her what happened she had a meltdown. Begged us to give Finn a second Chance. But Bellamy held his ground, she then turned to me.
"Clarke come on. We let Murphy have a second chance and he went crazy both times. Please Clarke give him one more chance. I'll watch over him." She said pleading. I didn't know what to do. On one hand I didn't want Finn there because he could put us all in danger. And on the other is that Raven still needs him. Loves him. My head hurts from all the thoughts that went though it today. I needed time to think a break from this.
"I need time to think OK? You have one week at first light. Show me that he is capable of staying here." I walked away into the cabin and laid Aurora down. I need a day to myself. I can do that right? Take a day to myself. Of course I can I need to relax. I started packing my bag to spend the rest of the day and tomorrow in the bunker. When finished I kissed Aurora on the head then left. I walked to find Bellamy if I don't then he go crazy looking for me and probably kill Finn. I told him I was leaving and then walked away. I was walking through the forest and I heard someone call me and Bellamy's name. I his behind a tree and slowly peeked from behind and I saw a group of people sitting there with Marcus standing in the middle. He began to talk.
"Bellamy and Clarke has to go. Their might have been great leaders but now to much is at stake. Our lives for one! Take today for example. Clarke went missing and Bellamy was to blind to come up with a logic plan. Clarke only runs away when danger comes her way. Yes she's a good medic and the hundred looks up to Bellamy. But their young and foolish ways could get us all killed. They made a treaty with dangerous people and who knows what's next. We need a leader that will be brave and enforce the laws. Someone who thinks things through. Not someone who runs into battle blinded by anger." He said and I hear them anger and people nodded their heads in agreement.
"I love my daughter but she is not ready to be a leader. She has a kid that's her first priority. Do you think if someone came to her and said its the baby or the camp. She pick us, no, she'll save her child before us. Now we'll meet again in a week at this very spot. Meetings adjourned!" Everyone started getting up to leave but I had to make it back before them. So I ran, I ran back the trees where a blur as I past them. I reached the camp.
"WHERE'S BELLAMY! GO GET BELLAMY NOW!" I was out of breathe but I didn't care.
"What's wrong princess?" He said with a confused look.
"I need to talk to the drop ship. NOW!" We walked in and I motioned for him to follow me up to the third floor. We reached in I but a pipe there to stop anyone from coming in.
"Clarke what's wrong?" I looked at him.
"They're planning to overthrow us." His face twisted in confusion again.
"Who Clarke?" He said.
"Marcus and my mother. They just had a secret meeting with everyone from the ark. They are talking about we are to young to lead them, to foolish, that we don't think things through. Their next meetings will be next week. I can try to hide out again but right now we don't know who we can and cannot trust." He face was emotionless through the story.
"No its too dangerous for you to go back there. We got to pull the same card their playing. We need a Secret Meeting!"
Boom! I just dropped a awesome bomb and I guess what your eyes just been hit. Lol! OK so I know we all don't like Finn but it is a reason why he is acting like this. And you'll find out soon enough it might be in the next chapter. Or it could be in the next next chapter. I seriously don't know. But can y'all believe Clarke's mother was taking his side. WHAT!!!!! That's cold. Tell me how y'all think the story will go. Keep giving me feedback. Thanks. Kisses!😘😘😘

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