Clarke's interesting night

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Clarke's POV

Crap! I totally forgot about the agreement we had. With the Ark and Aurora I just forgot about it. But a deal's a deal.
"Clarke what is he talking about?" My mom asked. She wasn't here she doesn't know.
"Bellamy needed help and in return the commander wanted me for a whole day." I said I remember that day and how I missed him so much and how I had so many questions to ask Cara. And this was the perfect opportunity instead of running off, I have a child now and that would be irresponsible.
"Clarke you have a kid. You can't just go running off like this." I sighed.
"It's my decision and I'm going and you can't stop me." I grabbed Aurora and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Let me pack and I'll meet you by the gate. OK!" I motioned for Bellamy to follow me to the cabin. I wanted him to confirm that whatever happens he won't get mad or be jealous.
"What's up princess?" I smiled I love\hate that name.
"I wanna make sure that your still OK with this. I don't know what is going to happen but I want you to know that my heart belongs to you. And only you!" I grabbed his hand in the process of my speech and our stare was intense but loving.
"I'm totally fine with you going. I mean I trust you not to enjoy your time there." I giggled at him and nodded my head. I packed a days worth of clothes and kissed his cheek and left. Its getting dark and I still haven't eaten.
"Clarke how long will you be gone?" She asked
"One day and I'll be back." She nodded her head and walked away. I kissed Bellamy one last time and walked away to the gate. I don't know where its at or how far its going be. I'm tired, my feet hurt and I'm hungry. We walked a little and we came to the lake we took the short way straight through the lake. The water went to my waist as we walked through. We didn't go through the middle of the lake and I made a note of it just in case. We got out and walked into the woods, I started to smell the fire we walked into we reached the village. There were a couple of children there but mostly adults. I continued to follow the guys until they stopped at a tent. They opened the flaps and I took that as my que to walk in. And Cara sat on a makeshift bed. She stood up when she noticed my present.
"Clarke! Welcome!" She said and I nodded my head.
"What do you want me to do?" She laughed.
"Tomorrow everything will be revealed. For now just eat then sleep."
She got up and left the tent, I looked around and walked out of the tent and looked around the camp and I noticed how it was barely any children around. I sat down and someone handed me some food. I ate it slowly and quietly until the bowl was empty. Then I got up then walked back to the tent and laid down tomorrow will be fun!
OK I know that I was late again forgive me please! Next week will be two chapters. I promise! But what's going on in the camp? What will Clarke do tomorrow? Find out next week!!!

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