We Need to Talk!

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Clarke's POV

Today is kinda a slow day for everyone. Tomorrow Bellamy and I decided to give everyone a day off. We all need it right now I'm at the top of the drop ship gathering more wire for stitching. Its a long, boring, and tough job. But it gives me time to think. I have three more days until Finn's trail. So to speak. I don't know but maybe just maybe I'll know being up here. I mean I have the time for it. Speaking of Finn he hasn't woken up yet. A part of me wants him to live. But another part hopes he die. I know its wrong but he try to... Well he just tried something and I don't want to talk about.
I wasn't really paying attention to the world around me. But I heard the footsteps come near me. I turned around and its the one person I didn't what to see.
"We need to talk?" They was out of breathe. I could imagine why.
"What do you want Finn? I'm kinda busy if you haven't noticed. I don't have the time to talk." I didn't want talk but I did. I know I confused myself.
"Then don't talk just listen." I didn't answer I went back to want I was doing it can't hurt to listen.
We sat there for what felt like hours. Neither talking. I turned to him.
"Look you said you have something to say. Then you just sit there silent. Do you or do you not have something to say?" He nodded his head.
"Clarke? Raven told me what happened. And I didn't... What I mean is I don't know... Clarke I can't explain it but I font remember doing it. All I remember is going to sleep and waking up to pain where I been shot. The things she told me I did I just don't remember doing." I sat there with my back facing him. I couldn't tell whether it was the truth or not. The things he said. The things he DID!
"Clarke? Please answer me. I don't know what happened out there but you got to believe me. I don't remember that. Please just here me out? Please?" I can't believe I'm really doing this but. I dripped the wires and stuff. I turned around and faced him. Then I slapped him!
"OK! You have five minutes. And I want you to know that this is going to help me deicide whether we kick you out or not." He nodded his head and began.
"When I first disappeared! I remember walking to the bunker and then this smoke came out of no where. It was red and thick. I started to black out and when I woke up I was naked and in pain. Something was coming for me so I ran. I didn't know where I was running to but I just did it. I fell and I couldn't get up so I just started covering myself with leaves and dirt. I was scared because I heard them stop. They said that Experiment 203 had escaped. And disappeared. I didn't see their faces. When they left I started taking the dirt and stuff off. And I started crawling away and then that's when you found me. But I don't remember where I was and y'all told me I was going for months I thought it was hours." If what he said is true. And that's a big IF then someone is doing this to him. They want him to come back. Experiment 203? Does that mean they did this to 202 other people?
I have to talk to Cara she might know who it is. Because I don't believe it's the grounders. They don't seem that...ummm what's the word. Smart? To do something like this. And he said red thick smoke like the kind you'll see in a smoke bomb. Yes definitely not grounders.
Or maybe I'll just finished the chapter today. I am feeling inspired today. I guess. So now I bet everyone knows who it is. But still give me who you think it is. And whether or not you think Finn is innocent or not. I mean, does he really not remember anything? Or is that just a trick? You'll find out next chapter. Peace out!✌✌✌

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