Storm and meanings

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Clarke's POV

We were moving everything into the drop ship. There was a storm coming.
"Bell! My mom and the rest of them I know we banned them but the Strom." I not heartless. She still my mom.
"I'm sure they are looking for shelter. Clarke they are not are responsibility no more." I nodded my head and finished helping. Some I'd hiding in the drop ship while others are with us in the cabin. We are all racing as the winds picked up. We had miller in the drop ship to make sure no one went up to Finn. And the rest in our cabin. The winds were strong and whipped everything around that wasn't tied down or taken inside. After the drop ship door closed we ran back to our cabin. The fireplace had a dull glow. And lit the room just enough. We heard the winds and rain pound on the roof. The sound was scary. Aurora cried from the sound. Bellamy was gently rocking her, trying to calm her down.
"Bell hand her here I'll quiet you down." He sighed and handed her to me. I tried to calm her down but as the storm got louder her screams got louder. We tried feeding her, changing her, and putting her to sleep. Nothing worked! Everyone was getting irritated.
"Can't you shut her up?" Bellamy yelled at me.
"I'm trying! She scared of the storm." I fired back. I know everyone is on edge put that doesn't mean to be rude. But Bell is different. He's always rude. Bell took the baby from my arms and gently rocked her and hummed a quiet tune. Her cries began to died down. And I jumped in and hummed the same tune. And so she slowly fall asleep. Bell took her and placed her in her crib.
"God Clarke! Was that so hard?" I was super confused.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Getting her to shut up. It wasn't that hard!" He said.
"What is that supposed to mean? Just because I couldn't get her to be quiet?" I said getting equally anger.
"It means your a bad mother?" The whole whole room gasped. And then the silence came around. My eyes started to water I can't believe he would say that.
"You don't mean that!" I said lower my voice to a hushed tone.
"Yes I do. You never have you child your always putting her off on Raven. You don't know how to make her be quiet. You let finn stay endangering not only our baby's life but everyone's here. Your a terrible mother!" I was in tears now. Was he right? Did I endanger my baby's life just because I wouldn't kill Finn?
"Fine if that's how you feel." I walked into the crowd towards the baby's room. The cabin was quiet except for the storm. And no one wanted to speak after they dealt with the biggest storm inside the cabin.
Finish! I know I took forever. I super duper sorry. But I just made it up with a new chapter. Your welcome. Omg Bellamy is super mean. But don't worry it will blow over. Or will it? 😈😈😈

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