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Bellamy's POV

I woke up from the best night of my life. It was hot and steamy, just thinking about it gets me hard. I noticed Clarke wasn't in bed with me. She must of went to work or to the bunker. I get out of bed and get dress. I walked over to Aurora's crib but she wasn't in there. I though it was a little weird but I figured either Raven or O has her. I walked outside and let the sun shine on me. I walked to the drop ship but Clarke wasn't in there I only saw Abby.
"Abby where's Clarke?" I said confused.
She shrugged her shoulders.
"I haven't." I was confused. Where could she be? I left the tent and went to Clarke's old tent. But it was empty. I went to Octavia's tent but she was in there either. Maybe she went to the bunker but I don't have time to look for her. I have work to do.
~~~~~~~later that day~~~~~~~~~~
I still haven't seen Clarke today and I'm starting to worry so I was leaving for the bunker to check. I told Raven she was in charge and left. I walked to the bunker fast because I haven't seen my daughter or my princess. I opened the bunker door but it was dark I called her name but no reply no I was worried. Fuck that I was scared out of my mind where could they be. I ran back to the camp and saw Raven.
"Clarke and Aurora is missing I can't find them anywhere. I just checked the bunker they're not their." Raven had a worried expression on her face.
"Did you see Finn there?" She asked. I shook my head. Finn is missing too what is going on here?
"Raven anybody else missing?" She started shaking her head.
"No just those three." I walked off to the center of the camp.
"Listen up everyone! Clarke, Finn, and Aurora are missing. We're going to spilt up into groups and look in different sectors. And before it gets to dark we meet back here. Got it? Go get ready!" I moved to cabin and got my bag ready and I heard someone come in. I perked up thinking it was Clarke and the baby. But it was just Marcus.
"Are you crazy? You don't have no idea what happened to them!" He said.
"So what's the problem with searching for them?" I asked not really paying attention to him.
"We need to plan this out figure out where they could if gone. If they are missing or out looking for food." I stopped packing my bag and looked up.
"One of ours went missing and when we find him he was bloody, naked, dirty and traumatized. I'm not waiting for my daughter and the love of my life to come back the same way or worse." I grabbed my bag and walked out of the cabin and outside to see Raven directing the groups.
"Your with this group!" I nodded my head and walked over to the group.
"Alright let's move out!" Everyone leaves the gate. But the only thing I can do is think about my Queen and Princess. They're missing and I'm going to find them.
OK done. Finally Bellamy's Pov I think my writers block is over because I have the next chapter locked in my mind so yay! It also really helps when y'all tell me what y'all like and don't like so I can put so ideas in. What do you think happened to Clarke, Finn and Aurora? Are they OK? What is going on? Find out on the next
~~~~~~~Bellarke Trouble~~~~~~

Bellarke TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now