I put on camera around my neck and ask Noah, "I hope you have your camera with you."

"Yeah it's in my bag." He says mumbling as he fixes his hair looking at the small mirror in my gym bag. I walk around him a reach for his backpack, to get his camera out.

I open his bag up to see it neatly organized and with camera in the front of all his notebook. I reach for it and take it out when suddenly a necklace falls out. I pick up the necklace and realize that was the necklace he gifted me for my birthday.

I put my thumb on the small diamond and step out of my gaze and quickly putting it back in his bag and zip it back up. I close the door and turn around to see Noah right behind me and my eyes widen, wondering if he saw me looking at the necklace.

"I found your camera." I quickly said before he got suspicious and handed it to him.

"Okay..." He says slowly and puts the camera strap around his neck.

I look behind him to see he closed the trunk and I took out my keys from my pocket to lock the car, then putting it back in my pocket. I start to walk towards the entrance of the park. Noah right beside me due to his long legs.

"The best shots will be all the way on of that hill over there and we better hurry up cause the sun will set in about an hour and half." I say to Noah, getting him updated on the scenery for our photography project.

"Your kidding right? That hill looks more like a mountain to me." Noah says bewildered, look up at the big hill.

"Now your exaggerating, if we really want a good grade, we will need to get the best shots." I say getting a little annoyed with all of Noah's questions.

We go up the little rocks and I lead Noah up. I decided to go to the site where the beach was right under the big hill we were about to climb. I take my phone out to text mom I'll be a little late for dinner, knowing she may start to worry. I don't say anything about Noah, not wanting her to think too much about the situation.

"So how long will it take to get all the way up top?" Noah askes looking at his phone to look at the time.

"A hour, I take it you've never been hiking."

"Nope. I'm not much of a hiking guy." He says looking ahead at the path in front of us.


"Are we there yet?" Noah askes for the twentieth time.


I look at the sky to see the sun still up and I look behind me to see Noah taking a sip from his water bottle and texting on his phone with one hand, then roll at my eyes at him.

I grab the rock on my right to climb the boulders in front of me and Noah whines, "really?"

I ignored him and continue climbing the rocks and I look up to see we are almost there. I place my foot on the next rock and my foot slips a tiny bit and Noah catches my foot as if it was a reflex under me.

"Thanks." I mutter and wipe the sweat on my forehead with on hand once I reach the top. I hold out my hand for Noah and he takes it. I pull him up and he crashes into me.

Getting Even with Mr.Bad Boy | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now