The best part about the place, surprisingly for Natsu was not the food, but the atmosphere. It was just so...happy. Happy and full. It made him smile, even if he was there alone. Which he wasn't supposed to be.

But apparently she decided not to show up.

"So that girl of yours coming Natsu?" The soda jerk, who's name was Max, asked as he refilled Natsu's coke without asking. Natsu sighed to himself. He really thought she was going to show.

"No I guess not." Natsu said sadly then started to drink out of his coke once again but as he spoke it, the bell above the door rang, the sweet sound echoing in the restaurant, the door opened. Natsu looked back to see Lucy with two other girls, a red head and a bluenette. Lucy didn't look how she looked before though.

For one thing, before she was wearing an ankle long navy skirt with the same coloured long sleeve shirt that revealed nothing. However, now she was wearing an extremely short dark blue skirt along with a white tank top lined with a lighter blue then her skirt. In the middle was the same colour blue that made a giant cross on her shirt. She was also wearing just below the knee high brown boots. In other words she was looking even hotter.

But that wasn't all. She looked happy and excited, not like she did at school.

She was having fun.

"Luce you came!" Natsu said excitedly as he jumped off his stool. Lucy looked over at him and instantly her eyes became cold. Those eyes that were once full of life, gone in an instant.

"Oh yeah...I forgot about you." Lucy said with no emotion, "And what's with 'Luce'?"

" forgot about me?" Natsu pouted ignoring her previous question. He felt as if a giant arrow just stabbed him. He...he was a girl. A GIRL! That doesn't just happen! Like ever!

"Who's that Lu-chan?" the small bluenette asked Lucy.

"Just some weirdo"

Another arrow stabbed him.

"that was stalking me"

Two more this time.

"and tried using some cheesy pick up lines on me."

Three arrows hit him straight in the chest, making him fall over.

"That...I...but..." Natsu just couldn't form a complete sentence. No ever referred to him as weirdo or a stalker. So he laid on the ground in complete and utter shock.

"Awh Lu-chan look what you did!" the bluenette said crouching down and looked at Natsu. "He is kind of cute you know? In a dorky kind of way."

10 arrows aimed at his head.

"Maybe you should go with him, I mean you made a commitment to him." The red haired one said, it sounded more of a demand to Natsu though. She wasn't like a ginger either, her hair was a bright red. She looked sweet right now but Natsu could tell there was a demon side to her, just by the look in her eyes.

"What? I did not! I said maybe!" Lucy argued but the read head one just ignored her.

"Besides I've seen the pictures of him in your dorm." the moment the red headed one said that, Lucy turned bright red. Natsu on the other hand smirked.

"What? Since when have you been in my dorm?" Lucy yelled at the red haired girl obviously embarrassed.

"Pictures hm~?" Natsu said seductively as he stood up.

"No! Not of you! He just has pink hair too so Erza must've just assumed!" Lucy argued. The red haired girl, who's name was apparently Erza, just shrugged.

"Still, you made a commitment to him so you must go." Erza stated ignoring Lucy's arguments and turned to Natsu "I give you permission to go on a date with her."

Natsu didn't give a second thought as he grabbed Lucy's hand and pulled her out the door.


"I hate my friends.." Lucy mumbled as she walked beside Natsu on the street. Natsu kept insisting on holding her hand because it was dangerous, he eventually stopped when she punched him in the face.

"Really? Because I love your friends." Natsu said smirking. Lucy glared at him.

"Weren't we supposed to get a milk shake anyways?" Lucy asked noticing that they left the chocolate shop. Natsu shrugged.

"Figured a walk would be more romantic right now~" Natsu said. Lucy sighed. Natsu had literally ran her all the way over the the beach, which was 10 miles away from it. She was exhausted but she wasn't going to show it. Nor was she going to show how much she enjoyed being on the beach right now. It was around 5 p.m. so it was time for the sunset. The sky was full of orange, red, and yellow, reflecting onto the water as tiny waves reached the shore. She took in a deep breath, her gaze still upon the sky. Not being able to fully comprehend it's beauty.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Natsu asked noticing that her eyes were fixed on the sky. Lucy, without taking her gaze away, nodded. Natsu smiled. He enjoyed it very much here, especially around the sunset. The sky reminded him of fire, which reminded him of his father. He usually came alone though, so it was nice to have company.

Natsu noticed a strange cold feeling around his hand and looked down to see that he was holding Lucy's hand. He didn't realize that he had grabbed it. And apparently, she didn't either.

She must be too focused on the sky...oh well I better take advantage of this. Natsu thought to himself smiling lightly. His hand covered hers completely, the cold in her hand started to disappear.

Suddenly two hands from behind grabbed her breasts. Lucy woke up from her gaze at the same time and pulled her hand away from Natsu's. Natsu frowned slightly, then he saw the hands.

"Guess who~" the voice from behind said seductively. Lucy's eyes were even colder then when she saw Natsu earlier. He wondered who this guy was.

"Sting..." she mumbled with disgust. The guy with blonde hair placed his head on her shoulder smirking.

"Yep! You're so good at guessing!" he laughed, not removing his hands. Natsu noticed by the look on Lucy's face that she was not happy.

"Hey b^stard those aren't her eyes!" Natsu yelled getting angry. He had no right to touch her like that.

"Really? Then I suppose this isn't her mouth either." The man, she called Sting, said as he trailed his hands further down her body. Natsu grabbed his right hand and pulled it off of her before he got anywhere.

"Hey! Let go of me! Do you have any idea who I am?" Sting yelled angrily at Natsu.

"I don't give a crap who you are! You can't just touch her without consent!" Natsu said his voice was filled with pure rage. Lucy stood there, shocked at Natsu's actions.

"I think she likes it though~" the man smirked. Natsu couldn't hold it in anymore and went to punch him, someone grabbed his arm though, stopping him.

"How did you know I was here, Sting?" Lucy asked holding Natsu's wrist. Natsu glanced at Lucy, wondering why she was letting Sting do this.

"Someone saw you running this way so they told me. I need to get some things done though so I guess I'll be going now, see you later Lucy." Sting said winking at her before turning away. Natsu was almost tempted to punch him with his other arm, but there was a reason Lucy stopped him in the first place.

"Why the h^ll did you let him touch you like that?" Natsu asked after Sting had walked out of listening range. Lucy looked over at the sky again, the colours were gone though, she let out a sigh before looking at Natsu again.

"Listen it doesn't matter so I think I'll just go home now." Lucy said and started walking away, Natsu grabbed her arm.

"No it does matter! You can't let him do that to you!" Natsu said, his voice getting louder. Not it was Lucy's turn to get mad.

"So what? It's my f***ing life and my f***ing body! It's not like you really care anyways! You just want to screw me like you would any other girl! So I'll take my f***ing leave now!" Lucy shouted at him and pulled her wrist away then walked away from him, fast.

Natsu stood there, shocked, and wondering what the h^ll just happened.

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