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Laughing, I switched babies with Jesse so I could go change Amber. As I walked away, I heard Adrian start to fuss. "Good luck, Jesse" I sang, going up the stairs. Adrian started wailing and Jesse was muttering about the possibility of my son breaking his vocal chords. "Hi baby" I cooed, lying Amber down. She made little baby noises as I changed her diaper. I took my time, still hearing Adrian cry. That baby was already a Momma's boy. He can only tolerate Thomas for half an hour, tops. But for some reason, Adrian likes Sam.

When Amber was all clean, I slowly made my way back downstairs. When I reached the bottom steps, Adrian stopped crying. "What was Uncle Jesse doing to you?" I recognized Thomas talking in his baby-voice. Smiling, I stood in the doorway and watched him. Thomas faced Adrian towards Jesse. "Growl" Thomas instructed. Adrian let out a little growl that sounded like it came from a chihuahua. Honestly, it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. "Look. There's Mommy and Amber" Thomas turned Adrian towards me.

Adrian wiggled around, trying to get to me. "You don't like, Daddy. Do you?" I questioned, switching kids with Thomas. My mate rolled his eyes and told Amber to growl. She didn't listen. Amber opted for trying to suck on her father's fingers. "Nope. Daddy's fingers aren't clean" I said, pulling his hand away from her mouth.

Thomas smirked at me. "These fingers have done some dirty things"

"That's our cue" Sammie got up and shook her head at us before walking towards the stairs. "Jesse!" The guy scrambled to follow after his mate.

After a few moments, we heard laughter. "I get it now!" Jesse shouted. "Ow! Maili, tell Mommy it's not nice to hit peo- Ow! Stop hitting me!"

I laughed along with Thomas as Sam and Veronica came into the room. "I'm just saying. You spoil her too much. She doesn't need to be carried 24/7" Veronica told her mate as she walked in with Olivia in her arms. Ironic.

"Sam. Hold Adrian" I demanded. Holding in my squeals, I took the blonde baby girl from Veronica's arms. "Hi, Livvy" I cooed, kissing her head. She made little noises, waving her arms around. "You're Daddy's little princess, aren't you?"

Sam nodded in confirmation as Veronica rolled her eyes. "Tell this guy that he needs to let Olivia self-soothe" Veronica said, looking at me.

"You need to let Olivia self-soothe" He stuck his tongue out in response. I knew he probably wouldn't listen. "Where's Em?" I asked Veronica.

"Doctor appointment" I nodded in understanding. Eli has a check up every couple of days. He was out of the NICU and out of his incubator after a week of being born; but they still need to make sure he's developing right. So far, there haven't been any problems. "They should be back any-"

The front door opened and the family of three walked in. Eli was crying as Emily held him and patted his back. Emily came over to us, sinking down into the couch. She looked exhausted. "Babe. Go take a nap. I got him" Keith said, taking Eli from his mate's arms. She sighed and slowly got up. Eli calmed down after a couple minutes and fell asleep. "Bay. Can you go talk to her?" Keith asked, giving me a pleading look.

Nodding, I gave Olivia back to Veronica and went upstairs. I knocked on Emily's bedroom door before walking in. "He's fighting himself" Emily muttered as I sat next to her on the bed. I gave her a confused look. "Since Keith is a hybrid, Eli is a quarter witch. The witch side and his werewolf side are battling for strength. It's weakening him. We need to remove his magic or kill his werewolf side"

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as she let a few tears fall. Soon enough, all of the girls came into the room and crowded around us. We all cuddled around Emily, telling her that Eli would be fine. "What should we do?" Emily inquired, looking around at us with her tear brimmed eyes.

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