He saved her

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(Ok,I know it's early and all,but I'm just SO happy I had to start typing!! I'd also like to make a shout out to Miss_NaluShipper for voting on my first chapter! Thx,it meant so much to me,you don't even know! Now,on to the story!)

Levy did her morning routine and was now in class having an argument with Gajeel.

"I can't believe she teamed me with you!" Levy said. "I don't like the idea anymore than you do,shrimp." "How many times do I have to tell you?! My name is Levy!" "That's nice,shrimp." "Uhg! Your hopeless!"

Then the teacher gave directions about where to go. See,the assignment was for each group to go through an obstacle,help each other,and make it out alive. The teams were; Gajeel and Levy, Natsu and Lucy,Cana and Erza, Mira,Lisanna,and Laxus,Elfman and Evergreen,and finally,Juvia,Gray,and Lyon.

They each went the direction the teacher said. Gajeel and Levy were walking through a dark tunnel and couldn't see a thing. "Oi,this is just great! How are we supposed to defeat a monster in the dark?!" Levy did her solid script,and the word 'fire' appeared.

They continued walking in silence. That's when Gajeel grabbed her by the collar ,and pulled her close to him,hitting his chest. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" "I just saved you!" She looked down. There was a large brick. She could've easily tripped over it,fell on her face,and cracked her scull. If it weren't for Gajeel,that is.

He let go of her and they continued walking. Then,Levy found a large room. She squinted her eyes,brightened the light and walked in. Her eyes instantly lit up and a smile appeared on her face. Because she was in a library. It was huge,too. There was a ladder at one shelf and she ran towards it and climbed up.

"Oi,shrimp! What're you doing!" She ignored him and flipped through the pages of a book. "Just great." He mumbled under his breath.

Just then,a large rock monster appeared from the shadows and stood right next to Levy. She looked at it in horror. It roared in anger and pushed the ladder she was on. She went flying in the air and was about to hit the hard floor,until Gajeel caught her in her arms.

"Careful!" He set her down and looked back at the monster. "Iron dragon...FIST!" He made a hold in the stomach. He smirked and continued doing what he did till the whole thing was demolished. Gajeel looked back at Levy,who had a shocked expression.

"Gee,that was too easy." He said. "That was just round one. L-let's go!" She marched off in front of him. They made it to another room,and another monster came out. This one was a little larger than the other,but it was a green,slimy,blob.

Levy looked at it in complete disgust. "What the heck is it?!" "I don't know,
but it's goin' down! Iron dragon roar!" Once again,he made a dent. But this time it came back together.

Levy gave a look of determination. "Solid script! Lightning!" The same thing happened. "Well I ain't givin' up!" He said. Gajeel continued attacking,
and the same thing happened over and over again. Until Levy said, "Stop!" "What for?"

"Solid script! Bondage!" The blob was wrapped up like a mummy. "Now what?!" He said impatiently. "Do your thing!" He got what she was saying.
"Iron dragon...ROAR!!" The blob bursted open,getting all over them. "Ew!" Levy said.

They continued walking. This time,
the monster was much larger than the other two,made of stone,and had spikes shooting out of it's back.

It scooped up Levy into its hand. "Ah! Let me go!" Gajeel made his first move,but nothing happened. And the more times Gajeel made an attempt to defeat it,the tighter it squeezed Levy. "Ahh! I can't take it much longer!"

"Let her go!" And it did. The monster threw her up in the air. "Levy!!" He jumped up and caught her in his arms,again. She held on tight to his neck,her eyes shut.

He turned back around and the monster was charging straight at him.
Luckily,he dodged it. Gajeel set Levy down,and went to attack it. Then,it walked away. "What the?!" Eventually,
it was out of sight.

Gajeel turned around and saw Levy closely examining her leg. He walked towards her. "You okay?" She looked up. "Y-yeah. I'm fine. Just a few scratches and bruises." Before he could reply,the wall bursted through. It was
Natsu and Lucy.

"Natsu! You went overboard AGAIN!"
Lucy yelled. "Oops." Natsu saw Gajeel and said, "Hey Luce,I found the monster!" "Shut up,lava brains!" Lucy sweat dropped.

While Natsu and Gajeel continued to bicker,Lucy went over to Levy. "Hey,you okay?" "Y-yes." "You seem uneasy. What happened?" "I'll tell you later. For now,we all need to get back to class." Lucy agreed and they all did so.

When they got to class,they were the last ones out. "About time. Please go to your tables." The teacher said. The teacher went to the first table,Cana and Erza,and graded. "Girls,I love your harmony. But here's what needs to happen; Erza,bring it down a notch. Cana,stop placing your cards,in,um,
inappropriate places. Other than that,you two have great teamwork! B plus!" Cana breathed a sigh of relief and Erza glared at her.

She went to the next group,Mira,
Lisanna,and Laxus. "Laxus,fix your ego cause it won't get you anywhere. MiraJane,control your anger a little more. So, A minus!" The teacher moved on and Laxus glared at her and Mira tried to hold in a laugh.

The next group was Evergreen and Elfman. "Okay,you two need to stop arguing so much. You've got great team work but all you do is argue! And Elfman. Please.control.your.temper!" B minus!" She walked to the next group. Elfman and Evergreen rolled their eyes at each other.

Next was Natsu and Lucy. She sighed and rubbed her temples. "Natsu,stop overdoing it. Cause your gonna have to pay for that wall and all the other damage! Lucy. Stop trying to seduce every monster you come across! C minus!" Once the teachers back was turned,Lucy stuck out her tongue and Natsu shot a bird.

Next was Gray,Juvia,and Lyon. "Oh God,where to begin. Juvia,your target is the monster. Grays target is the monster. YOUR FOCUS IS ON THE MONSTER,NOT.GRAY! Lyon,same goes for you! Stop saving Juvia when she doesn't need it! D minus!" The teacher walked off. Juvia began to cry a little and Gray tried his best to calm her. Lyon just watched in jealousy.

Finally,she got to Gajeel and Levy.
"A plus. Levy,I want to see you after class."

When the bell rang and everyone else left,Levy went to the teachers desk.
"Yes ma'am,you wanted to see me?" "Yes,pull up a chair." She did so. The teacher pulled her head out of paperwork.

"Levy,I really admire your determination. But I put you with
Gajeel for a reason. From what I
understand,you were never the strongest of wizards. And I want that to change. Everyday after school,and on weekends,I want you to train with Gajeel. Is that understood?" "Yes ma'am." "Good. You may go."

Levy went to her locker and found Lucy waiting there. "Hey Levy! What happened?" "She wants me to train with Gajeel." Lucy smirked. "Oh y'all gonna train alright." Levy blushed and playfully hit her friend. "Shut up!"

That night when Levy went home,she thought about her day until she fell asleep.

And done! Phew,that took a while to type! But I enjoyed it :). Anyway,vote,comment,etc... Yeah so, sayonara 💖💖

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