
Start from the beginning

"You know how there are different kinds of love?" she asked rhetorically. "Philio, storge, agape and... eros," she listed.

I shook my head. All I knew is platonic love and the romantic one.

"I always knew that you loved me. But in the same way that you love Cosmo or Ellie or any one of your guy friends."

I noted she didn't mention Mich.

"That's called storge- a friendship kind of love."

"What kind of love do you think I have for Mich then?" I cut to the chase.

She expected that question and she had a prepared answer, "Agape."

I raised an eyebrow, and said, "I don't know what that means."

"An unconditional love," she explained.

"Why would you say that?"

"It just is," she said. "And that's okay. I'm okay with it."

"And what kind of love do you think I have for you?"


"As in...?"

She blushed and said, "No, not that. It means romantic love."


"Do you love Tia?" I remember Mich asking me during that drunken taxi ride.

"I do now," I had replied.

"What does that mean? Does that mean you didn't use to?"

"Yes, of course. People don't fall in love at first sight."

"That's fiction, I know,"she dismissed. "But did you love her when you two started dating?"

"Not the first time."

"Of course, you said that it was fake."

"Not for her," I clarified.

"Oh," it clicked to her. "That sneaky... I didn't know Tia had it in her."

"No. She didn't," I said. "Dan was just one reason."

"Wait, wait, wait. So she asked you out?"


I remember asking Tia to just ask Nate out, and she seemed so adverse to it then. Maybe she wasn't adverse to it because it's the opposite of what we had thought of a traditional mode of courtship, but because she did and it failed.

Actually, now that I think of it, she didn't fail. Because they were together for quite a while, and then they were just not. And we or at least, I'm too modest to ask them about it.

He nodded.

"And you just went along with it? Even if you didn't love her then?"

"Feelings change," he said.

And I guess feelings have changed.

"Would you rather be with someone you love or someone who loves you?" I asked Nate.

I thought I had wanted to be with someone I love, and I thought I would've been okay even if they never love me back.

But since he is getting married, I think I'm learning to accept it. I think I might just be okay with him being happy, even if it's with someone else.

The taxi stopped at my gate.

"You already know the answer to that," he answered.

I nodded, and said instead, "Good night," and then I climbed out of the taxi.


"Earth to Nathaniel," I said playfully. He seemed... surprised or shocked? Or dazed by what I said.

Was he replaying last night in his head? Would he be expecting more?

Now that eros was on the table. Romantic love that also covers physical love and sexual desire. And boy, do I feel that desire for Nathaniel, as I can't help my eyes from drifting down the length of his body.

"Would you rather be with someone you love or someone who loves you?" he asked suddenly.

"Someone I love and someone who loves me," I replied.

"If they are not the same person?"

"Why can't they be the same person?"

I can almost hear Michelle saying, "That's the ideal situation. But real life is not ideal."

"Yes, of course they can be," he replied, with a reassuring smile.

But somehow I'm not reassured. Why would he suddenly ask me that?

"I can make the bed for you. You must me tired."

Bed... I feel myself blush, but I covered it quickly by saying, "Oh no, I need to get home. I have Praise and Worship practice this afternoon."

"I can drive you."

I just realized that Nate never drove me home before. Because he was too busy being her driver.

Someone you love or someone who loves you...? When it comes down to it, I think I'd pick to be with someone I love. I don't care if that makes me pathetic. I don't know why, but I suddenly feel a little pathetic right now.

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