Chapter 22

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A/N: I got my writing mojo back and I'm super happy. Also, I love cliffhangers.

"She's what!?" Erwin yelled, partially not hearing Levi and partially not believing him.

"I'll explain later just get in the fucking car!" Levi spun around and got into the drivers seat, starting the engine and not even waiting until Erwin had fully closed his door before he sped off to the address that Eren gave him.

"She's the killer?" Erwin asked, needing an explanation.

"Yes. Historia killed some random girl and then dyed her hair and gave her plastic surgery so she would look like Historia. I don't know why but she did. That body we found in Historia's apartment wasn't her, I know that much." It all made sense to Erwin now. But he still couldn't imagine a girl like Historia being able to kill someone just like that and hide it that well.

Levi drove the car incredibly fast, weaving in and out of traffic as he headed to Eren's dads office. Levi was going there and he was intending to arrest the man. He was fidgety and restless as he drove. Cars horns were honking as he passed and he could hear people on the streets yelling. The rain was pouring even more than it was before and the sound of it hitting the cars roof was enough to drown out Levi's thoughts that swarmed in his head.

When they got there Levi stopped the car, it skidded a bit from the force of the sudden break. He opened his glovebox and grabbed his gun and a pair of handcuffs, opening his door, hopping out, and slamming it shut. Erwin followed behind him. He stopped at the entrance of the building and loaded his gun. Levi opened the door and casually walked through. It looked like the lobby of any regular doctors office would except this one was covered in blood. It was everywhere and it lead up the stairs that were off to the right side.

"Wait here. I'm following the trail." Levi ordered to Erwin.

He tightened his grip on the gun and slowly walked up the stairs, being mindful of where he was stepping. He didn't need another mans blood on his shoes. He could smell a rotting corpse and his heart started pounding in his chest, echoing in his ears. He didn't know how long this person had been dead but he knew it had to be at least a few hours, maybe even days.

The sight at the top of the stairs was horrific. There were two doors that were both covered in blood. It was smeared on the small parts of glass on the door and Levi could see handprints as well. When Levi stepped through them he almost gagged. It was an operating room and in the middle of it the body of a man was lying on the table, his stomach cut open and dissected. His organs were strewn across the room and in blood a message was written on the floor.

"I'm back."

Levi knew immediately that this was not a good place to be. Or rather a safe one.

He walked the distance it took to get to the mans body and he hovered over him. Levi assumed that this was Eren's father. The man had circular framed glasses and long brown hair that was a shade darker than Eren's. His expression was blank and his eyes had two coins places over them to keep them closed. The smell in the room was suffocating to Levi and he wanted nothing more than to run out of the room and leave. But he had to investigate.

He backed away from the mans body and looked around the room. There was a table with different surgical tools and each one was coated in dried blood. The dried blood indicated to Levi that the body had been dead for a few hours if the pale greenish-blue skin was any other indication. Levi tried to move the mans hand but it was stiff, another sign.

His shoes clicked on the tiled floor as he made his way out of the room to the ground level. He wanted to radio in to the station and let them know that he found a dead body and that they could come and identify the guy even though he was pretty certain about the mans identity.

When he stepped off the last stair he spotted Erwin in the same place he was in before, having not moved an inch.

"I'm gonna call this in. Wait here." He said as he made his way out the door of the building and back to his car. When he got there he opened the drivers side and half sat in the seat while the rain still poured down. A loud boom of thunder seemed to shake the ground and Levi almost jumped out of his own skin. He frowned and picked up the receiver to call in. After he was done that he made his way back into the building and stood beside Erwin, looking over the scene of the lobby.

"What was upstairs?" Erwin asked, hands in his pockets.

"Dead body." Levi replied simply. They were silent before Erwin moved and walked around the room. Levi decided to do the same and he made his way back upstairs to look around again. He found the mans ID tag that read: Grisha Jaeger. The man was Eren's dad.

Whoever had killed him obviously didn't care about whether they'd be caught or not because their fingerprints were everywhere. Unless those were Grisha's but either way Levi could tell that it was not done with cation. It was a careless and reckless murder in his opinion. The killer didn't even try and cover up their tracks.

He could hear the thunder booming above him and it seemed to shake the entire building. Levi felt uneasy on his feet, he almost felt nauseous. As he was about to make his way down the stairs for the last time he heard one particularly loud boom of thunder and after a few seconds the lights blew and the power went out. It was pitch black and he didn't have a flashlight so he stood and waited for his eyes to try and adjust. But no matter how hard he tries it still didn't happen and he was left in the dark.

"Levi?" He heard a voice call. He recognized the voice as Erwin's and he felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"Erwin?" He called back. Despite being relieved to hear Erwin's soothing and calming voice he still had the faintest feeling of uneasiness in the pit of his stomach, the kind of feeling you'd get if you felt like you were being watched. He turned his head around in the darkness to try and see if he could hear or see something shuffling or moving but it was too dark to tell.

"Are you okay?" Erwin asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You?"

"I'm alright." A flash of lightning lit up the entire room and Levi could faintly see a shadow that was standing at the front of the stairs. His heart started to race and his eyes started to widen but there was nothing he could do because of the darkness that surrounded him. He stood in shock as another flash ran through the room and he could tell that the shadow had moved closer. A boom of thunder made him flinch and clutch at his chest. He wanted nothing more than to run for his life but he'd probably end up hurting himself if he tried.

"SHIT!" He heard Erwin yell, his voice making Levi even more afraid.

"Erwin!" He called "are you alright!?" He hoped Erwin had just tripped over something but he got no answer. He started to walk toward the stairs and held his arms out in front of himself to make sure that he didn't fall down or trip over something but as he started to move he felt someone moving with him. After a few seconds of stumbling around in the dark he heard a second pair of footsteps.

He took a few more steps before he felt a sharp pain radiate through his body and the next thing he knew he was falling to the ground, his eyes closing as he lost himself in the darkness.

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